Just Stop It!

There are a few things all business owners need to stop doing.

  • Stop thinking you can spend NO money on advertising your business and make a LOT of money
  • Stop spending more than 2 hours a week on social media pretending you are making money
  • Stop spending on things that do not increase the business income
  • Stop working all weekend without a break
  • Stop stalking prospects that will never become customers
  • Stop going after people who will NEVER spend ANY money with you
  • Stop hiring poorly
  • Stop joining groups that do not promote your business or help you grow.
  • Telling people you make 7 figures when the links on your website don’t even work

Just stop it!

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Blog Marketing For Profit By Jeff Klein


geralt / Pixabay

Blog Marketing For Profit By Jeff Klein

Most people who have their own blog have entered the blog marketing arena. Some even blog just to make money, but there are others who do not. When it comes to numbers, it all boils down to how you look at it. Let’s say you want to start a blog marketing business from the comfort of your own home; you would blog to make an income. But, if you are looking to find an outlet to express your thoughts, ideas, and opinions, you are not concerned with making money through a blog; you just want your blog to be more of a journal. The fact is, bloggers blog for different reasons.

When you market through a blog, you simply want to make a profit. In order to make a substantial income by blog marketing, you need to do two things: be persistent and be consistent. So, if you want to succeed, there are several methods and tools you need to become familiar with. This article will explain them to you.

Of course you want to have quality content on your blog. That is the first step to making money, but that content must also be original. It is not possible to market products and services on your blog with content written by someone else, unless you own exclusive rights to the material. If you are using content without the expressed consent of the author, you are considered to be plagiarizing, which will put you in a world of trouble not only with Google, but also with the author. So, always use content that belongs to you when you blog market to make an income. Content is crucial to achieving blog marketing success.

Free-Photos / Pixabay

Another blog marketing strategy is tracking. It is vital to track each visitor and find out how they came to your blog. This will tell you the keywords they used to locate your blog and what place they went to for their search. When you know this information, you will not need to guess as to how to optimize your blog. You the keywords are working in your favor and which ones are useless to your goals. Then, you can decide what keywords to use and what keywords to get rid of.

Also, when you blog market for income, find other blogs and websites that are in your niche with whom you can exchange links; however, do not do this with any competitors. This will be of great help to you and your endeavors. The higher ranked the site or blog you are partnering with, the better it will be for your blog. Major search engines, Google included, will be attracted to all of your linking and rank you more favorably. So, the more link exchanges you have, the higher ranked your blog will be.

kaboompics / Pixabay

Blog marketing to earn an income is not impossible. You just need to learn what will work and what won’t. It is simply a process of trial and error. So, if you have an idea for marketing on your blog, go ahead and give it a shot. That is the only way you will ever know if it works. And, if you do find blog marketing techniques that are effective, you could create your own eBook and promote that as well. Now you have the knowledge; you just have to apply it to your blog.

Jeff Klein is a professional Webmaster and Internet Marketer. Join this exciting profession and become a Web Designer today. Search for web design schools near you and request free information. Learn more at http://www.web-design-schools.net/.

How To Produce Consistently Great Content

Content marketing can produce tremendous results for businesses that engage in it. However, in saying that, there are still a lot of businesses who are finding it difficult to create high-quality consistent content for their websites. The businesses who are most successful with their content marketing strategy is the one who still manage to write and post content on a regular basis, despite their position in SERPS. This article will show you how you can produce high-quality content on a consistent basis.


Write About What You Know

The best way to get your creative juices flowing is to write simply about what you know or what is happening in your space at the moment. It positions you and your business as a thought leader and will attract people to your space to your brand. There is little point writing about something that has happened months ago as not only is it outdated, but it may no longer be true. Best to stick to topical pieces that add value to your overall content marketing strategy. As I said, write about what you know rather than what you don’t know, as this will require extra effort to understanding and researching what you are writing.

Write about What Your Audience Wants

This point, is a continuation of the previous point as to why you should specifically be creating content that you know, but also content that your audience wants. The question is – how do you know what your audience wants? All you need to do is find where your target audience is. Places such as forums and social media networks (Facebook, Twitter etc.) are a great place to start. If you search hard enough, you can find who and what you are looking for in an audience. When you visit these websites, be sure to read threads and posts so you can get an understanding of your ideal audience’s problems. Your content is going to be based on these problems and from there you can provide a solution.

Making Content Creation a Priority

Whatever your priority might be, it will always occupy your time. Likewise, when you make content creation your priority, you will always devote enough time to it. Make a point of writing content within the time you create for it. Eliminate any distractions such as answering emails, personal social media use, etc. and write until you get it done. This mindset will hold you in good stead for being able to create content consistently. You just need to be disciplined and resist all outside urges.

Get Into a Writing Habit

Habits are hard to shake. If it’s a good habit, then that’s not such a bad thing. Again, this comes back to what I was talking about in my previous paragraph about building that mindset. When you develop a habit of writing every day, it starts to become a routine and becomes part of you. Start with a small goal of posting every day for an entire month. It might seem like a difficult task to complete to begin with, but it will become second nature if you are disciplined and stick to writing a post once a day. If anything this is going to make you a better writer, which will in turn increase the quality of your content and that can only be a good thing for your overall goal.

Mix it up

While blog posts are a typical form of content, it can become a tad boring to be using blog posts as your only form of content. Start diversifying your content by creating other forms of content such as infographics, podcasts, videos, etc. It will give your audience a few options to choose from because some might not like to read as they prefer to watch. Great! Get cracking on a video. It doesn’t have to be very long. In fact, a 1-2 minute video talking about an aspect of your industry is all that might be needed. What about those who like to listen? Too easy. Recording a podcast and uploading it onto the YouTube or SoundCloud is very easy. You will soon discover what type of content works and what doesn’t. From the responses you get for each platform, you can tailor your marketing strategy according to that.

Breaking Up Your Content Creation

Creating consistent content can sometimes be an overwhelming task. You can reduce your workload by creating a quick note, then an outline and then write out the piece. The good news is that you don’t have to finish the whole task in a specified time, and you can schedule it over a period of a couple of days. For example, if you were writing an article on the ‘7 Tips on How to Create Consistently Good Content’, and you only had a couple of days to write it, you might write the first four tips on one day, and then come back to it the next day to write the remaining three.communication

Employing the Services of a Content Creator

Research carried out by MarketingProfs, and the Content Marketing Institute stated that 73% of all b2b organisations have dedicated personnel in charge of their content marketing strategy. They might be doing this in-house, or they might employ the services of a content marketing agency. Regardless, it is important to have someone looking after your content creation with the necessary resources and allow them to make decisions on your behalf. It frees up significant time for others to handle other important matters in the business.

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