Blog Marketing For Profit By Jeff Klein
January 11, 2018 by Dr. Letitia Wright
Filed under Featured Articles, Wright Ideas

geralt / Pixabay
Blog Marketing For Profit By Jeff Klein
Most people who have their own blog have entered the blog marketing arena. Some even blog just to make money, but there are others who do not. When it comes to numbers, it all boils down to how you look at it. Let’s say you want to start a blog marketing business from the comfort of your own home; you would blog to make an income. But, if you are looking to find an outlet to express your thoughts, ideas, and opinions, you are not concerned with making money through a blog; you just want your blog to be more of a journal. The fact is, bloggers blog for different reasons.
When you market through a blog, you simply want to make a profit. In order to make a substantial income by blog marketing, you need to do two things: be persistent and be consistent. So, if you want to succeed, there are several methods and tools you need to become familiar with. This article will explain them to you.
Of course you want to have quality content on your blog. That is the first step to making money, but that content must also be original. It is not possible to market products and services on your blog with content written by someone else, unless you own exclusive rights to the material. If you are using content without the expressed consent of the author, you are considered to be plagiarizing, which will put you in a world of trouble not only with Google, but also with the author. So, always use content that belongs to you when you blog market to make an income. Content is crucial to achieving blog marketing success.

Free-Photos / Pixabay
Another blog marketing strategy is tracking. It is vital to track each visitor and find out how they came to your blog. This will tell you the keywords they used to locate your blog and what place they went to for their search. When you know this information, you will not need to guess as to how to optimize your blog. You the keywords are working in your favor and which ones are useless to your goals. Then, you can decide what keywords to use and what keywords to get rid of.
Also, when you blog market for income, find other blogs and websites that are in your niche with whom you can exchange links; however, do not do this with any competitors. This will be of great help to you and your endeavors. The higher ranked the site or blog you are partnering with, the better it will be for your blog. Major search engines, Google included, will be attracted to all of your linking and rank you more favorably. So, the more link exchanges you have, the higher ranked your blog will be.

kaboompics / Pixabay
Blog marketing to earn an income is not impossible. You just need to learn what will work and what won’t. It is simply a process of trial and error. So, if you have an idea for marketing on your blog, go ahead and give it a shot. That is the only way you will ever know if it works. And, if you do find blog marketing techniques that are effective, you could create your own eBook and promote that as well. Now you have the knowledge; you just have to apply it to your blog.
Jeff Klein is a professional Webmaster and Internet Marketer. Join this exciting profession and become a Web Designer today. Search for web design schools near you and request free information. Learn more at
What to Include on Your Website If You Want to Attract New Clients
January 10, 2018 by Dr. Letitia Wright
Filed under Featured Articles, Front Page, Wright Ideas
What to Include on Your Website If You Want to Attract New Clients
By Cheryl Roose
Now don’t get upset by what I say but try to see this from your clients point of view. Most websites I see it looks as though we in the industry are trying to impress each other with our talent rather than appealing to the clients who we are wanting to do business with. They are usually flooded with young pretty girls, thin girls, who have perfect hair and skin and are wearing suggestive clothing if any sporting hair no one would ever wear on the street. Being in the beauty industry I can truly appreciate and admire the artists talent but what does the client see and will this bring them through your door or intimidate them?
I also see salons trying to sell to the client by telling them how wonderful they are rather than giving the client what they want.
If you have a lot of clients and your public profile is all your website is designed for then by all means put up the flashy pictures of hairstyles and impress people with the talent of your team. But if your primary purpose is to attract clients with your site then build it to work for you How do you do this?
1. Know who you are looking to attract by knowing the profile of the person who will see value in being a client of your salon…your ideal client.
2. Capture their attention by giving them something they will value.
3. Gain their trust that you are the expert to care for their needs.

What to include with your strategy:
Include a very brief “tip” of the week so visitors see value in returning to your site. I know a salon blog can serve this purpose as well but clients don’t always spend enough time roaming your site to get the good stuff, offer it right there on the home page.
This “tip” when promoted right is your golden opportunity to subtly introduce them to your salon brand while giving them a piece of valuable information. For example; if your salon is famous for doing corrective color, share with your visitors just how a proper color consultation should be done to ensure client satisfaction. Be careful not to say “this is how we do it here” but adapt the tone of “look for this is the salon you choose to care for your tresses”.
Have an opt in box where you can collect their name and email address. These days people are reluctant to give out this information for a simple newsletter so you must make the offer so appealing that they can’t wait to get what you are offering. Again, if you have done the work to know your ideal client and position the offer as something they WANT, not need they will be happy to provide this information in exchange for the gift.
Your gifts could include hair and makeup photo shoots for company portfolios if you are attracting corporate clients. Couple massage lessons for the active dual income earner clients or a series of how to videos to keep the glow in aging skin.
*Remember when making your offer that it is purely a gift that you know will change their lives. Once you give them value they will be more inclined to buy from you and now that you have their name and email address you can follow up with salon specials, promotions and events that will bring them through the door.
Please share your ideas in the comment box that proved successful with my readers
To great success,
Cheryl Roose
The Wright Place TV Show Presents Lila Holley
March 22, 2017 by Dr. Letitia Wright
Filed under Front Page
The author of Camouflaged Sister came to visit the show.
We had a great time, its a wonderful book!