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Tired of watching free videos and going to "Arm-Twisting" DISCOVERY Sessions and STILL Don't Learn Anything NEW? 

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Why You Need A Power Hour

Dr. Wright works with Employed Entrepreneurs who need to maximize their time. As a Power Hour Client, you get to leverage her knowledge and connects to move your business forward. If you have been stuck, missing just a few pieces of information to move forward, the Power Hour is it. You can get the answers you need without sitting through lessons, videos and other people's distractions.


You sign up and select the time for the call. 


The Power of Hour For Business

This will tell you more about the Power Hour

It's one hour long

This session is for my Employed Entreprenuers who need to get things done quickly. 

It is REcorded

You will get the recording sent to you after the call. You don't have to take notes. You can truly focus. 

YOu ask the questions

I will answer them with the information you need. If I don't I will find it and get it to you after the call. This is NOT A DISCOVERY CALL.

It is Private

Perfect if you have a new invention or information you do not want to share with a group.

Book A Time that works

Employed Entrepreneurs need special hours at times. You can book this time when you need it and work on your schedule. 

Work on Information

This is not a mind-set session or finding out what you want. This is information to take you to the next level. 

   Working Employed Entrepreneurs need answers, not mind-numbing sessions. If you are not making money, progress or not able to focus on your business goals , this is a great way to find out how it is to work wiht Dr. Wright  

Who is Dr. Wright ?

Dr. Letitia Wright 2021

Dr. Letitia Wright 2021


Dr. Letitia Wright is a 2019 Nominee for 47th District Woman of the Year!  

Dr. Letitia Wright is a highly-esteemed and notable business women. She is the Executive Producer and host of her nationally syndicated television show Wright Place Television, which is now in its 18th season with the bandwidth expanding over 6.5 millions homes each week in Southern California on Direct TV Channel 64. Wright Place is also seen nationally on DISH on Demand spanning its reach to 60 million plus homes.

Operating in the mainstream arena as an International Spokesperson, Dr. Letitia Wright is called upon as a pioneer and advocate for others as a change agent and has been requested by Industries Leaders globally; international and nationals markets to impact well-renowned professionals by speak to crowds expanding well-over 3,600 patrons.

At the request of Kim Carter, CNN’s TOP 2016 HERO- Dr. Wright has created the ARE YOU AN ENTREPRENEUR program for previously incarcerated women starting in January 2020.

In July 2020, Dr. Wright will be teaching in Vietnam. In November 2018, she became faculty of The Global Excellerated Business School for Entrepreneurs, teaching in Phuket, Thailand. 

As America’s Crowdfunding Strategist, Dr. Letitia Wright was part of the 2018 November faculty of the Excellerated Business Schools in  Thailand. In March of 2018 she was honored by the All Ladies League  and the Women’s Economic Forum in Holland. She also joined the WAVE based in Holland to help combat women’s economics around the globe.  Dr. Wright  taught at Dallas Start Up Week 2016. Soon after that event, she was contacted and traveled to Maui on an open invitation to be present and speak into the lives of the participants for Maui and Oahu Start Up Week 2016. She has been on the list of the Top 100 Crowdfunding Experts for the last 4 years and was invited to President Obama’s Global Entrepreneur Summit Summer 2016.

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POwer HOur



 One Hour on the phone with Dr. Wright answering your questions. Your recorded call will be sent to you to use in your work. 

Dr. Letitia Wright 2021

Dr. Letitia Wright 2021

100% Satisfaction Guarantee


 100% Satisfaction Guarantee “Our Promise: Love your Power Hour or let us know. We’ll always make it right.”

Frequently asked questions

What if I do not use up my whole hour?

You can make another appointment to use up the rest of your time whenever you want. 

Can I bring my staff?

No. You can allow staff to listen to the parts that might pertain to them, however, this is a consultation with the company owner.

Can you make evening hours available?

Yes, just let us know that the current hours do not work for you and we will figure it out on Los Angeles Time Zone. 

What if my product isn't a digital product?

I work with Employed Entrepreneurs of services and all kinds of products.