Just Stop It!
March 6, 2018 by Dr. Letitia Wright
Filed under Featured Articles, Front Page, Wright Ideas
There are a few things all business owners need to stop doing.
- Stop thinking you can spend NO money on advertising your business and make a LOT of money
- Stop spending more than 2 hours a week on social media pretending you are making money
- Stop spending on things that do not increase the business income
- Stop working all weekend without a break
- Stop stalking prospects that will never become customers
- Stop going after people who will NEVER spend ANY money with you
- Stop hiring poorly
- Stop joining groups that do not promote your business or help you grow.
- Telling people you make 7 figures when the links on your website don’t even work
Just stop it!
How to Double Your Closing Ratio
February 11, 2018 by Dr. Letitia Wright
Filed under Featured Articles, Wright Ideas
Part of a training course I recently attended included strategies to help advisors improve their sales. The instructor asked, “What’s the worst thing a prospect can say when you ask them to do business with you?” Most of the 200-plus people in the room agreed that the worst reply would be, “No, I’m not interested.”
But I disagree. Depending on the type of prospect you’re talking to, a response of “no” can actually be a good thing. In fact, “yes” can actually be more of a problem in some cases! To better understand why, read on.
There are three types of prospects you need to know about. I categorize prospects into three types, or levels, based on their personalities. When I meet a prospect, I want to know what kind of client they’re going to be before I decide to start working with them.
DEZALB / Pixabay
Top 5 Things To Consider When Writing Copy About Your Brand
February 7, 2018 by Dr. Letitia Wright
Filed under Featured Articles, Front Page, Wright Ideas
JESHOOTS / Pixabay
Hook them in.
The best written copy in the world is worthless without readers! Lure your potential customers with a memorable and compelling headline. Think of your headline as a shop window; a well dressed
shop window catches the eye, arouses curiosity and brings customers into the shop. Your headline should do the same. It should encapsulate what is in the copy that follows and compel your customers to want to learn more about your product and service.
Know who your target market is.
And talk to them. Exactly who are you trying to sell this to? Yes in a perfect world “everyone” might be a suitable answer, but in reality, who is most likely to spend their hard-earned on your product? Is it women? Young, middle-aged or old women? Middle-aged women with kids? Middle-aged women with small kids? Middle-aged women with small kids with health issues? You get the idea. Once you’ve figured out exactly who you’re speaking to, speak to them in their own language. For example using high-tech terminology won’t sell software to computer illiterates. And using street
slang is likely to sail straight over blue-rinsed heads. Sell the benefits rather than the features Remember who you’re writing for. The customer. Not you. At all times, point put how the features of your product or service will benefit your customers. For example, the vehicle you are writing about might feature ‘four wheel drive’. Now, point out the benefits of that feature – safer motoring on slippery surfaces or the ability to go places that other vehicles can’t. In other words, sell the sizzle, not the steak!
What is unique about what you’re selling?
If you’ve done your branding homework, you’ll already have a unique selling point, a brilliant tagline all about it and a succinct and desirable positioning statement. If you haven’t had much experience with branding, the very first step is to discover your unique selling point, also known as a point of difference. Chances are there are several products out there that are similar to yours. So why should a customer spend their money with you? Is your product bigger, smaller, better, brighter, louder, tastier, greener than the others? And if so, how so? In your website copy (or ad
copy) explain exactly what makes your product stand out from the rest and convince the customer that they need that benefit most. Ideally, you’ll then sum it all up in fewer than seven, memorable words – then you have a tagline too!
Check your spelling and grammar
This sounds basic and boring, but it’s so very important. Poor spelling and grammar is distracting at best, taking the potential customer’s focus away from what you’re selling. It also makes you, the seller, seem untrustworthy and unprofessional. Once you’ve written your copy, do a spell and grammar check. Ask a friend or colleague to read over it. Better still ask several friends or colleagues to read over it. If you’re not terribly confident of your language skills it’s worth paying a professional for their services just to leave an optimum impression on potential customers and increase your chance of a sale.
About the Author: Susan Long is a Marketing and Branding Consultant, see her next project at Rent To Buy