Systems For Your Business – Why I wrote this

Michael Gerber is among us.

Michael Gerber

I was recently at an awards event in Orange County and happened to pull up behind Michael Gerber and his wife Luz, The Author of the E-Myth. E stands for Entrepreneur. Gerber has been a guest on The Wright Place TV Show and of course reading his book, back when I was really struggling to get my business together was a complete game changer. He has been a business hero of mine ever since. To get a chance to interview him was really amazing. Even better? This happened at his home!

So seeing him again and catching up was a delight. I also realized how few people in business today under the age of 40 know who he is. Also a lot of people don’t know how systems can help create a smooth business that someone else can run for you. I decide to start sharing that again.

Why bother to create a system for every aspect of your business?
So you can delegate most items in your business to someone else. If you have do to all the work yourself and no one can do anything else, then you just have a job, not a business. This strategy alone can add over $30,000 each year to your business. Read Rich Dad, Poor Dad again. Read E-Myth here.

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Women Want More: How to Capture Your Share of the World?s Largest Growing Marketing

November 5, 2009 by  
Filed under Books, Featured Articles

Book: Women Want More: How to Capture Your Share of the World?s Largest Growing Marketing
Authors: Michael Silverstein and Kate Sayre

The authors spent more than two years researching what women want. What they want for themselves, their families, and friends. This book is about how your company can develop and market their products and services to serve the wants and needs of the world?s most demanding consumers- women.
The authors explain how education has created a revolutionary opportunity, especially in Brazil, Russia, India and China- the BRIC countries. Throw that around at your next cocktail party and see how smart you sound! Sharing the details on how the female economy holds a VAST potential for wealth, this books takes you a journey of their surveys and findings. They say Gerber, Banana Republic, Ecute, Harpo, and Hanier know how to serve women well. They follow a set of practices called Recognize, Research, Respond, and Refine.

They also outline the areas a company can do well in; Food, Fitness, Beauty, Apparel, Financial services and Healthcare. The archetypes set forth by the authors reflect diversity, which is good because they are sitting information from women all over the world. The conclusion that women are stressed, time-pressured and money tight is just the beginning. Frankly, you don?t need 2 years of research to know that. You do need to read this book to learn about the areas of serious dissatisfactions for women and how some companies have taken those areas and created a market. Even if you do not plan on selling things that fall into the categories I mentioned, the information from this book can help you and your business. By taking the principles and understanding how to solve women?s problems, you will get their business. In learning how to serve them you will keep their business. If you plan on marketing outside America, use this book to get some perspective. This book is just over 300 pages, so plan some time to really read it.

This books is an L.A. 9

Women Want More: How to Capture Your Share of the World’s Largest Growing Marketing

November 5, 2009 by  
Filed under Books, Featured Articles

Book: Women Want More: How to Capture Your Share of the World’s Largest Growing Marketing
Authors: Michael Silverstein and Kate Sayre

The authors spent more than two years researching what women want. What they want for themselves, their families, and friends. This book is about how your company can develop and market their products and services to serve the wants and needs of the world’s most demanding consumers- women.
The authors explain how education has created a revolutionary opportunity, especially in Brazil, Russia, India and China- the BRIC countries. Throw that around at your next cocktail party and see how smart you sound! Sharing the details on how the female economy holds a VAST potential for wealth, this books takes you a journey of their surveys and findings. They say Gerber, Banana Republic, Ecute, Harpo, and Hanier know how to serve women well. They follow a set of practices called Recognize, Research, Respond, and Refine.

They also outline the areas a company can do well in; Food, Fitness, Beauty, Apparel, Financial services and Healthcare. The archetypes set forth by the authors reflect diversity, which is good because they are sitting information from women all over the world. The conclusion that women are stressed, time-pressured and money tight is just the beginning. Frankly, you don’t need 2 years of research to know that. You do need to read this book to learn about the areas of serious dissatisfactions for women and how some companies have taken those areas and created a market. Even if you do not plan on selling things that fall into the categories I mentioned, the information from this book can help you and your business. By taking the principles and understanding how to solve women’s problems, you will get their business. In learning how to serve them you will keep their business. If you plan on marketing outside America, use this book to get some perspective. This book is just over 300 pages, so plan some time to really read it.

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