The Number One Solution For Your Hiring Woes

August 6, 2014 by  
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The Number One Solution For Your Hiring Woes


The hiring process can be excruciating. From posting the position to sifting through the dozens of replies, it’s a process that requires time, money, and a lot of patience. In fact, the American Staffing Association estimates that hiring a worker can cost 7 to 20 percent of that position’s salary and take anywhere from 30-45 days to fill. If you’re like most companies, you just don’t have that kind of time nor money to spare;    especially if the position needs to be filled immediately. That’s why many companies have chosen to take the grunt work out of hiring themselves and outsource to temp agencies. Temporary employment agencies are a company’s dream come true. They handle all aspects of the hiring process and allow you to skip right to the interview phase.

What Exactly is a Temporary Employment Agency?

Temporary employment agencies are companies that specialize in providing staffing needs. Whether you’re searching for a full-time employee, a temporary employment fill-in, or need to fill a whole department, a temp agency can meet your requirements and deliver qualified candidates as soon as you need them. Some temp hiring agencies, like LeadingEdge Personnel in San Antonio, specialize in finding fills for specific positions like temporary employment or “temp to perm” positions. This type of service is great for companies who need to fill maternity leave, extended leave of absence, or vacation positions.

How Do They Work?

Working with a temp hiring agency is like having your own personal human resources team. They handle posting the job description, filtering responses, candidate background checks, pre-interview screening, and much more. Really, all you have to do is provide the position and its specific requirements and they’ll do the rest. What a relief!

Plus, your satisfaction is their ultimate goal. No one wants to pay for a temp agencies service only to have the candidates they provided not work out. Temp hiring agencies take your requests very seriously and only deliver candidates that you, yourself would choose. If this means going through hundreds of applicants, so be it. Temporary agencies go the extra mile.

Temp Employment Agencies Satisfy Employers and Job-Seekers Alike

Temporary employment agencies, like LeadingEdge Personnel, are meant to serve both the employer and job-seeker. While taking care of the hiring process, they also extend themselves to job-seekers as an additional resource to use on their job hunt. Often they provide this service to job-seekers, as well as offer incentives such as skill training classes and improvement workshops, for free. Why? To ensure companies receive the best candidates possible. By offering these types of services to job-seekers, job-seekers come to them. In hoards. It’s like attracting flies with honey. This in turn allows the temp agency to have more options to offer companies when presented with a staffing request. Voila! Both needs are met. Companies receive candidates and job-seekers receive interviews/an actual job placement. It’s a beautiful thing.

Reflection Week

Reflection Week

We are almost into June 2013

It’s been 6 months and it’s now time to look around.

When looking at this years goals? Are you half way there?

Are you ahead? Behind? Or what?

Where do you need assistance?

 Dr. Letitia Wright

We are almost into June 2013

It’s been 6 months and it’s now time to look around.

When looking at this years goals? Are you half way there?

Are you ahead? Behind? Or what?

Where do you need assistance?

Are you willing to put in place the help you need or are you going to continue to TRY it on you own.

Have you neglected some things on your pursuit to your success? Some are so focused on business; their heath and family life is going to crap.

Some are so focused on family and personal health that their jobs and business suffer. While I do not believe in balance (I believe in synergy) the main idea is that your life has to work for you. You have to enjoy it. The work, the home and the self.

I love to travel however; I try to balance it with more time with the Dogs when I am home.

When my frustration levels with work get high, I make sure I balance with self- care, gratitude and relaxation and I think it’s paying off.

Next steps?

Put your exercise and relaxation routine back into your schedule

Follow up on dropped balls in business

Get at 360-degree check at work (your job may not be as secure as you think)

Check your 2013 goals and locate yourself on your own achievement map

Celebrate your wins; work out what needs to be worked out.

Post your ideas on what you need to do in the comment section

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Systems For Your Business – Why I wrote this

Michael Gerber is among us.

Michael Gerber

I was recently at an awards event in Orange County and happened to pull up behind Michael Gerber and his wife Luz, The Author of the E-Myth. E stands for Entrepreneur. Gerber has been a guest on The Wright Place TV Show and of course reading his book, back when I was really struggling to get my business together was a complete game changer. He has been a business hero of mine ever since. To get a chance to interview him was really amazing. Even better? This happened at his home!

So seeing him again and catching up was a delight. I also realized how few people in business today under the age of 40 know who he is. Also a lot of people don’t know how systems can help create a smooth business that someone else can run for you. I decide to start sharing that again.

Why bother to create a system for every aspect of your business?
So you can delegate most items in your business to someone else. If you have do to all the work yourself and no one can do anything else, then you just have a job, not a business. This strategy alone can add over $30,000 each year to your business. Read Rich Dad, Poor Dad again. Read E-Myth here.

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