Systems For Your Business – Why I wrote this
May 11, 2013 by Dr. Letitia Wright
Filed under Books, Featured Articles, Front Page, Wright Ideas
I was recently at an awards event in Orange County and happened to pull up behind Michael Gerber and his wife Luz, The Author of the E-Myth. E stands for Entrepreneur. Gerber has been a guest on The Wright Place TV Show and of course reading his book, back when I was really struggling to get my business together was a complete game changer. He has been a business hero of mine ever since. To get a chance to interview him was really amazing. Even better? This happened at his home!
So seeing him again and catching up was a delight. I also realized how few people in business today under the age of 40 know who he is. Also a lot of people don’t know how systems can help create a smooth business that someone else can run for you. I decide to start sharing that again.
Why bother to create a system for every aspect of your business?
So you can delegate most items in your business to someone else. If you have do to all the work yourself and no one can do anything else, then you just have a job, not a business. This strategy alone can add over $30,000 each year to your business. Read Rich Dad, Poor Dad again. Read E-Myth here.
Google Buzz is Gone
October 19, 2011 by Dr. Letitia Wright
Filed under Featured Articles, Wright Ideas
See, even Google knows when to let something go!
What’s not working for you? Dump it!
I dumped my old email system because it was too hard for me.
I am going for Simple- Elegant- Excellence!
What are you dumping?
Shout here! Post what you are going to dump!
or Get inspired by the Michael Gerber video to your right!
August Note
August 26, 2009 by Dr. Letitia Wright
Filed under A Note for You
So here it is August! We ended the last season of Wright Place TV with an interview with Michael Gerber. I realized, my systems need an overhaul. They were made for when the show was a lot smaller and while I have modified them some, I really need to do a systems makeover for the show.
The next season is the 10th year anniversary of Wright Place TV. I am very proud can happy. I am ready to do a bit of a show make over also. I am incorporating green business information now with The Color of Green episodes. I am working on doing another live show with Lisa Marie Platske as a 10 year celebration.
People’s TV in Atlanta now airs Wright Place TV at 10:30 am every Wednesday morning. So am looking forward to doing some things that are based in Atlanta! There are some great gigs coming up in the fall and of course January 2010, we cruise to Belize!
Check out for the details on that one. All I can say is, it is one of the best vacations you will ever take because you can make it your own. If you want to hang out, do, if you don’t…don’t. Great networking from around the world on this cruise. We want to a nice group so Wright Place TV can have its own thing.