Bose Speakers Still Got It

October 2, 2018 by  
Filed under Featured Articles, Front Page

I inherited my Dad’s old Bose and it still has killer sound. Now there’s a whole  new Bose family of smart speakers and soundbars with  built-in voice control from Amazon Alexa that puts millions of songs at the tip of your tongue. And with Wi-Fi® and Bluetooth® compatibility, you can wirelessly stream whatever you want, however you want. Plus, future software updates will add new features. Control goes way beyond voice. Enjoy one-touch access to the music you love or manage it all from the Bose Music app. Want more music in more rooms? The new Bose family of smart speakers and soundbars works together. The Bose Soundbar 700, designed to be the world’s best soundbar, delivers an unmatched combination of sophisticated design and exceptional sound. The stylish Bose Soundbar 500 has a thin profile that fits discreetly under your TV, while its powerful acoustics fill the room with sound. And the Bose Home Speaker 500 delivers the widest sound of any smart speaker.

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Packet Port – International Parcel Delivery

International Parcel Couriers Predict That Deliveries Will Start To Track-Down Customers


2015 may well be the year that parcel deliveries go straight to customers or their Cars.

New progresses in GPS and mobile phone tech means parcel deliveries can now be made straight to consumers or right into the boot of their vehicle. The technology that enables your sat-nav, can also be used to direct people and a delivery straight to you. Everything from nutrition to clothing will be able to be delivered to your exact journey’s end. If you’re located in a city, the service might not be just same day delivery, but same hour delivery.

Some firms in the UK already use GPS to deliver parcels such as mislaid keys or laundry to a specific address, within periods being considerably less than an hour at some locations. However, couriers will be able to deliver to the right to the kerb anywhere you are. The same tech that controls Apps such as Find My Phone or Maps on your smartphone can be used to find consumers, so long as they have their phone or Smartwatch on them at the time. This means that there’s no need to postpone what you’re doing or be at a specific place so shoppers can carry on with their day without interruption.

If customers don’t wish their parcel to be delivered directly to them, then their car is also an option. Pick-up locations have proved to be an accepted substitute to home delivery, but, even more suitably, your car could well be a locker on the move, and on wheels. The owner doesn’t really need to be with it to take delivery either. Volvo’s Roam Delivery facility has been trialled magnificently in Sweden in combination with an online grocery supplier and a third party distribution firm. Shopper’s items were delivered right to their own car, which is located in the same way as mentioned above, via GPS, and unlocked and locked again through technology.

The UK seems to now be leading the way with direct deliveries to your car. When customers sign up for the deal a tiny signal transmitter is fixed to their vehicle. This is then used to locate the car and unlock/lock it remotely when the delivery lands. The firm can even track patterns of parking behaviour so as to plan parcel deliveries accordingly. Some people may be worried about security but all the data is time limited and the tracing can be turned off at any time. This kind of service is predicted catch on, with shares in companies rising sharply for those that provide this service. In time hopefully it will spread to international parcel delivery too.

Selling Your House?

October 9, 2013 by  
Filed under A Note for You, Front Page

Houses in Washington Park, East Chicago

(Photo credit: UIC Digital Collections)

If you have thought about selling your home, then you have also probably considered the advantages of making a few home improvements to up the value of your house. However, especially in times like these when the economy is in the tank, finding that extra money to spend may not be an option. Fortunately, there are other ways to attract buyers that do not involve spending a ton of cash.

Make your address numbers shine – Not just by polishing them, but by replacing them altogether. This strategy is one of the simplest out there, but can have a huge impact on whether or not you sell your home. Many people will do a “drive-by” of the home that they are looking to purchase. Having address numbers that stand out and look nice go a long way for first impressions, especially at places that are hard to see like log homes or cabin rentals.

Make your home say “welcome” not “warning” – This can include buying some potted plants to add a relaxed ambiance, and cutting your lawn on a regular basis. A potential home buyer that does a “drive-by” and sees an unkempt lawn and paint-chipped door will move on to the next property on their list.

Clean your shower and replace the showerhead – If you aren’t cleaning your shower or bathtub regularly, it’s time to strap on some gloves and get to work. A dirty shower and bathroom is simply unacceptable when you’re trying to sell your house. One way to help improve the appearance of your shower is to equip it with a new showerhead. Simple updates like this show the buyer that you are involved in the home buying and selling process, and that you actually take time to present your home in the best light possible.

These simple tips will help increase the chances of selling your home, and at the price that you want to sell it for. They’re cheap, easy, don’t require too much hard work, and will make you feel good about putting your home on the market.

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