Top 4 Skills You Should Never Neglect as a Professional

Top 4 Skills You Should Never Neglect as a Professional

The internet has changed the way professionals build their personal brands completely. In a previous article, we discussed how to further refine your personal brand and show off your expertise. Maintaining a strong online presence and a positive personal brand can lead to many new opportunities to explore.

Boasting a specific set of skills is great, but having those skills mastered should never stop you from covering the basics. There are important basic skills to have in order to succeed as a professional in today’s competitive market and we are going to take a closer look at the top four to master in this article.

Attention to Details

According to a well-known computer science professor, Cal Newport, ‘focus’ is the new IQ. A professional’s ability to maintain focus and pay close attention to detail play important roles in determining the quality of work produced at the end of the process. Good attention to detail is even more important since customers now have more options, which means they expect nothing but the best results possible.

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Driving is considered a mundane skill and not many professionals take it seriously. In reality, driving can be invaluable. You can save a lot of time and get to meetings faster when you have the ability to drive. You can also stop worrying about messing up your suit or attracting unwanted odors while taking public transport.

There is no reason why you shouldn’t learn to drive and pick up a driving license today. You can even find mock theory tests and more information on the Highway Code by checking out resources on the Toptests website.


Humility is more of a trait than a skill, but it is a trait that can be mastered nonetheless. The last thing you want to do is acting like you know everything. It’s even worse when you become arrogant since this often leads to you treating your clients poorlyHumility is the key to building genuine relationships on a more personal level. Clients that like you personally are more likely to hire you for future projects. You will also get along better with team members and will have a generally better time exploring different opportunities on the market.

Data Analysis

Regardless of your industry, being able to capture information and analyze data is critical. The world is built on data these days. Every business decision is made using data as the defining factor.

Good data analysis is a skill that can also be transformed into the ability to analyze situations based on relevant information. This is a skill that can be applied to customer analysis, market analysis, product development, and various other fields you want to explore. It is a critical skill to have if you want to succeed in the modern market.

Master these four skills and you will be able to present yourself better as a professional. These may seem like basic skills that can be mastered overnight, but they are invaluable nonetheless. You will be surprised by how much better your life as a professional will be once you have these key skills under your belt.

Packet Port – International Parcel Delivery

International Parcel Couriers Predict That Deliveries Will Start To Track-Down Customers


2015 may well be the year that parcel deliveries go straight to customers or their Cars.

New progresses in GPS and mobile phone tech means parcel deliveries can now be made straight to consumers or right into the boot of their vehicle. The technology that enables your sat-nav, can also be used to direct people and a delivery straight to you. Everything from nutrition to clothing will be able to be delivered to your exact journey’s end. If you’re located in a city, the service might not be just same day delivery, but same hour delivery.

Some firms in the UK already use GPS to deliver parcels such as mislaid keys or laundry to a specific address, within periods being considerably less than an hour at some locations. However, couriers will be able to deliver to the right to the kerb anywhere you are. The same tech that controls Apps such as Find My Phone or Maps on your smartphone can be used to find consumers, so long as they have their phone or Smartwatch on them at the time. This means that there’s no need to postpone what you’re doing or be at a specific place so shoppers can carry on with their day without interruption.

If customers don’t wish their parcel to be delivered directly to them, then their car is also an option. Pick-up locations have proved to be an accepted substitute to home delivery, but, even more suitably, your car could well be a locker on the move, and on wheels. The owner doesn’t really need to be with it to take delivery either. Volvo’s Roam Delivery facility has been trialled magnificently in Sweden in combination with an online grocery supplier and a third party distribution firm. Shopper’s items were delivered right to their own car, which is located in the same way as mentioned above, via GPS, and unlocked and locked again through technology.

The UK seems to now be leading the way with direct deliveries to your car. When customers sign up for the deal a tiny signal transmitter is fixed to their vehicle. This is then used to locate the car and unlock/lock it remotely when the delivery lands. The firm can even track patterns of parking behaviour so as to plan parcel deliveries accordingly. Some people may be worried about security but all the data is time limited and the tracing can be turned off at any time. This kind of service is predicted catch on, with shares in companies rising sharply for those that provide this service. In time hopefully it will spread to international parcel delivery too.

Crowd Funding: Dr. Wright Talks with Michel Shane

Michel Shane kissed his daughter Emily goodbye for the last time in April 2010.  As she walked alongside the Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu, to meet him for  ride home following a sleep-over, a speeding motorist swerved off the road and struck her, killing her.

Emily became yet another victim of a road nicknamed “Blood Alley.”

Shane, an executive producer of Catch Me if You Can and I, Robot, hopes to end the senseless loss of life – in his community and others across the country – by doing what he knows best: telling the story on film. 

He has launched a Kickstarter campaign, which runs through Aug. 20, to raise the money to make a documentary on his daughters story, the dangers of the PCH and how communities across the country can help make their notorious highways a better and safe place.


Michel Shane is a filmmaker, producer and co-founder of Hand Picked Films. He’s best known as the executive producer of “Catch Me If You Can” and “I, Robot,” along with his business partner Anthony Romano. On April 3, 2010, Shane’s 13-year-old daughter Emily Rose was killed by an erratic, speeding motorist on Pacific Coast Highway, a road that has become notorious for motorist and pedestrian fatalities. Lined by homes on one side and ocean on the other, it serves a community of 13,000 but draws hundreds of thousands of motorists on holiday weekends. Recognizing that many communities have a deadly highway, Shane hopes to provide a “template for change” using his documentary as a catalyst.