Crowdfunding Not Just for Kicks – Dublin, 2016
August 19, 2016 by Dr. Letitia Wright
Filed under Crowd Funding, Front Page
A new documentary where you will follow a mother and daughter on the road to becoming a black belt. What makes a person push past their limits? How do you keep going no matter what? This film can teach us all the things we need to be strong throughout our lives. We all know that the “I can do it attitude” is the by-product of facing your fears. You’ve got to do your best even though it’s challenging. Training is not easy.This project is already half way to success which is a great sign that they will make it. You can get thanks in the credits, blog shout outs and copies of the film on DVD. They say a black belt is just a white belt that never quits! Let’s find out!
Support them here!
Pamela Renee Hall Purifoy Reviews the HLIC Movie
February 19, 2016 by Dr. Letitia Wright
Filed under Featured Articles, Front Page
Dr. Letitia Wright, I know I thanked you privately after viewing the film you created and produced, HLIC (Head Lady In Charge), but I must give you your flowers publicly. I salute you for your vision, mission and selection of the women whose stories you told. Let me tell you, HLIC will FREE many women from all types of issues. Whether it’s domestic violence, child molestation, parenting a challenging child, workplace bullying, women (and men) viewing HLIC will gain valuable insight, and be inspired by the women featured. Marc Lee, who is responsible for selecting HLIC to be included in the annual Hayti Heritage Film Festival, was the special person who allowed this film to be shown to a diverse audience. I saw caucasian men and women, visibly moved by the film. I see the HLIC movie being used as a tool to save and transform women all over the United States! It is possible! Thank you for creating a quality movie, done with love and in a spirit of excellence!
Posted by Pamela Renee Hall Purifoy on Sunday, February 14, 2016
I was thankful to see her send me a note on Facebook about the movie. I was not even at this event! This was an event that Cast Member Laticia Nicole set up. She also provided the cake afterwards. Thank you Laticia Nicole!
I am working on Rise of the Womanpreneur in which several women will be featured and I am also talking to people about
having their own documentary which could be focused on them. IT’s a game changer. In a world full of books…. be the movie! If you are interested in something like this for your personal life or business, Let’s talk! Find a time that works here:
Crowd Funding: Dr. Wright Talks with Michel Shane
August 13, 2013 by Dr. Letitia Wright
Filed under Crowd Funding, Featured Articles, Front Page
Michel Shane kissed his daughter Emily goodbye for the last time in April 2010. As she walked alongside the Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu, to meet him for ride home following a sleep-over, a speeding motorist swerved off the road and struck her, killing her.
Emily became yet another victim of a road nicknamed “Blood Alley.”
Shane, an executive producer of Catch Me if You Can and I, Robot, hopes to end the senseless loss of life – in his community and others across the country – by doing what he knows best: telling the story on film.
He has launched a Kickstarter campaign, which runs through Aug. 20, to raise the money to make a documentary on his daughters story, the dangers of the PCH and how communities across the country can help make their notorious highways a better and safe place.
Michel Shane is a filmmaker, producer and co-founder of Hand Picked Films. He’s best known as the executive producer of “Catch Me If You Can” and “I, Robot,” along with his business partner Anthony Romano. On April 3, 2010, Shane’s 13-year-old daughter Emily Rose was killed by an erratic, speeding motorist on Pacific Coast Highway, a road that has become notorious for motorist and pedestrian fatalities. Lined by homes on one side and ocean on the other, it serves a community of 13,000 but draws hundreds of thousands of motorists on holiday weekends. Recognizing that many communities have a deadly highway, Shane hopes to provide a “template for change” using his documentary as a catalyst.