When Sound bites go Wild

February 12, 2010 by  
Filed under Featured Articles, Wright Ideas

When Sound bites go Wild

Many of you have heard about John Mayer using the N word in a major interview with playboy. I am a fan of Mayer’s and have tickets to his concert in Philadelphia.  You can imagine my chagrin at this. What was he doing? What was he thinking? Someone told him he needed to be edgy and controversial to be a good Playboy Magazine Interview, but they didn’t tell HOW to. So he threw out the only shock factor he could think of. Low brow humor and dishing on his ex girlfriends in ways that were not appreciated.

So the lesson here is Media Training is important. Details of the outlet you are working with are important. Keeping some integrity is important. He is getting a lot of fame however, people including me see him in a different light. Lucky for him, the tickets were purchased a while ago.

Review: Six Secrets of Sales Magnets

February 1, 2010 by  
Filed under Books, Featured Articles

Six Secrets of Sales Magnets

By Laura Posey and Will Turner

This book is not something you should overlook if you are in sales. The authors are sales trainers, this book is a good introduction to their services. The great sales people are always looking for ways to get better. Their goal is to help you close 7 out of 10 prospects. They tell the story of an average day in the life of the Average salesman, Professional salesman and the Magnetic salesman. Curiously, while the Magnetic salesperson plays golf and relaxes, the other two work a lot harder to get any money. The secrets of what they do are revealed, the HOW part is not revealed. I do like their concept on Vendorville. Because there is no HOW TO in this book, I assume you can get the details on how to do this in the courses they offer. They mention cold calling in reference to the Average sales person and the Professional salesperson, but not with the Magnetic salesperson. Nice story and nice book, you can clearly see which category you are in. This is a useful start to making positive change.

This book is a California 6

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