TCE is ON Wright Place TV Channel!
August 11, 2021 by Dr. Letitia Wright
Filed under Featured Articles, Front Page

Now you can get your CAREER information from the #1 expert in the nation! Francina Harrison is on Wright Place TV Channel! Get Wright Place TV Channel on ROKU or AMAZON FIRE TV- Free to watch!
Best Resources 2013
December 6, 2013 by Dr. Letitia Wright
Filed under Featured Articles, Front Page, Wright Ideas
The Following are a list of people who have been a wonderful and ongoing asset for my business. I wanted to share these people with you and say Thank you to those on the list.
*This is list will not be completed until December 31, 2013, so check back often. This list is not a ranking order list.
Roberta Lauderdale Elam This is my mother. I literally would not be here without her. She is the ultimate resource and support system. She walked down the isle this year in the wedding dress of her dreams to the new man of her dreams. We all need to get on THAT level. Love you Mom!
Dr. Wayne Buckhanan There isn’t enough room in this post to express my thanks and appreciation. Thank you for being really good at what you do and always striving to be better.
Francina Harrison The Career Engineer- Deepest appreciation for you and your entire family. You’re an amazing, talented woman who stands steady no matter what you are facing! And this year you faced a lot. Family luv Cuz!
Dave Lakhani Thanks for all the great lessons, support, information and making me think.
Chanzé Witcher What a great and talented young lady! A wonderful find, a secret weapon. You do amazing work and accomplish amazing things! I am very grateful to have you on my team.
Ché Brown and Trevor Otts Your team work is exemplary and inspiring. I have and will continue to learn and implement. Thank you very much!
Tinu Abayomi-Paul Thanks for being a great source for knowledge about all things Google and everything cutting edge on the web. The Twitter chats are the best!!
Rachna Jain–– Great books, great knowledge, I just really appreciate everything you have.
( more names later…)
Your Friends on Facebook Don’t Like You
June 5, 2013 by Dr. Letitia Wright
Filed under Featured Articles, Front Page, Wright Ideas
A few of my younger or newer entrepreneur clients who are working on their social media, lament that they can’t turn their facebook contacts into real time connections. Or they can’t get their facebook friends to go over to their fan page and like the fanpage. There is one thing they overlook. Facebook is really good at naming parts and groups. They call the users of Facebook “friends” but the reality is, most of those people are not people who are a friend. They are an online-aquaintence.
Client A says, she lives in the same city as Person X and the person for the last 6 months has not agreed to meet for lunch or even a cup of coffee in person. However this same person had not problem making a phone call to try to sign up Client A for a workshop. Client A was a little put off. Clearly the person only had time for them when there was money to be made. Client A was interested in created a ‘REAL-Ationship” as The Career Enginner – Francina Harrison likes to say.
Sometime we have to face it. When you reach out to people who are never interested in creating an offline relationship you might have to face the fact that they are not a friend. They may not even LIKE you. In some cases they are people who “can’t stand you”. But if they can use you to make money off you, they’re in. Figure it out and walk away.
Client B says, he contacts person Z on Facebook and they never ever respond. Once again, it’s not a friend if the only way you have to reach them is Facebook. If people don’t respond to a message, then they probably have someone else posting for them. It’s not them or they have no interest in connecting with you. Take the hint. You won’t miss anything if you are no longer in their stream. They will never like or share your posts. Are there a few people on Facebook who don’t know they should answer messages? In theory yes, but if you are using Facebook for business, common sense would tell you it’s a 2-way street of communication. No one is looking for a billboard on Facebook. We have enough ads on there already.
Facebook should have online acquaintance segments. Just so people won’t get confused. Facebook is great for people to friend you and then watch you. If you read 5 articles on how to grow your business using social media, almost all of them will say, friend your competition and see what they are doing. Some of your Facebook “friends” are doing just that. All your plans are there. All your creative thoughts are being spelled out as you think them through and use Facebook as your personal diary. People are planning to knock off your products and events as soon as you post them. If you in business, the way you post is important. My friend Mark Mikelat says “Facebook is a conversation in a bar, people can overhear, join in, comment and get into the conversation. No expectation if privacy is implied or expected.” If you have something important and private to say, then say it in PRIVATE.
Can’t get your close Facebook family and friends to get to your business fan page? No problem, realize they are not a customer, so they don’t want to LIKE your business fan page. You want people on that page that WANT to be there. These same friends and family who won’t switch over have also never bought your product or service either. Get the pattern? Stop looking for support in the wrong places.
In conclusion, I just want remind entrepreneurs that you have to get out with real people and mingle. Everything can not be done online. You still have to connect. Instead of obsession with people you “met” online that would not give you a glass of water if you laying on a dessert road dried out and they were driving a full potable water bottles, take the hint, create real off line relationships that move your body closer!
I don’t rant often, but I had to get this one out!