3 Powerful Exercises to Use When You Feel Doubtful, Stuck Or Overwhelmed in Your New Business

November 24, 2009 by  
Filed under Featured Articles, Wright Ideas

In my work as a psychotherapist, I give my clients cognitive-behavioral strategies to conquer depression and anxiety. I have found that many of these cognitive-behavioral strategies translate well to my coaching practice.

The women small business owners I coach, especially those who are new, can sometimes hit blocks that leave them doubting their abilities, feeling stuck or overwhelmed. I find that these three cognitive-behavioral exercises work well to move them forward.

3 Powerful Exercises to Use When You Feel Doubtful, Stuck Or Overwhelmed in Your New Business
By Kate Sanner

1. Look for Clues – When you begin to doubt your abilities to succeed, it’s time to look for clues. Look in the recent past for the times when you did solve a difficult problem, when you succeeded despite the odds, when you were able come through at the last minute. Acknowledge your abilities, your ingenuity and your resourcefulness. Write these down – this is your list of successes to read over whenever you feel self-doubt. Keep adding to the list every new accomplishment and breakthrough.

2. Rate Your Performance in a Different Light – Let’s say you have been struggling with a project and you feel as if you’ve hit a wall. It’s time to rate your performance…but in a whole different light. On a scale of 0-10, zero being no progress and ten being the completed project, rate your progress so far. Let’s say you rated yourself a 3 out of 10. Now ask yourself why you rated yourself so high? In doing so, you will see the three in a positive light…after all, it’s not a zero. Then ask yourself: “What skills did I use to get me to a three?”, “What resources did I access to get me that high?”, “What personal qualities did I draw upon that made me get to that number?” Write these down. Now ask what you can do to get to a 4 out of 10…don’t focus on the 10, just focus on getting to one point higher.

3. Partialize and Prioritize – Often times when you are in the midst of a big project for your business, you can find yourself overwhelmed by the enormity of the task. Break down the project into more manageable parts then prioritize the tasks in each part in terms of importance. Concentrate on one part at a time and do the most important things that will give you the biggest rate of return on your time in each part. You’ll feel a sense of relief as you watch your to-do list of tasks begin to be ticked off one-by-one.

Being a new small business owner can bring special challenges that can keep you stuck, overwhelmed and frustrated. Having a business coach can be an invaluable asset. Kate Sanner is the CEO and founder of Vivacity. As a coach and consultant, Kate helps a woman on the verge of doing great things to take the leap into the life she has been dreaming of…whether it’s starting a business, writing a book or fulfilling a life long ambition. Once a woman has made the jump, Kate then provides tools and resources so that a woman can continue to take herself to new levels and to maximize and monetize all her efforts for continuous growth, financial gain and success. To get a FREE copy of Vivacity’s “The Think and Play BIG System”?, a 10 Step, 46-page guide,- a $57 value – that shows you how to bring your vision for your enterprise into reality and onto new levels, go to http://vivacitynow.com and fill in your first name and primary email address in the box in the upper right hand corner, then click on Yes, Send My System Now.

Finding Office Space For Your New Business

November 23, 2009 by  
Filed under Featured Articles, Wright Ideas

By Clyde Lee Dennis

When a person decides to start a business venture on his own, one of the very first things he’ll look for is office space. Of course, before this he would have sorted out his finances and decided on what kind of a business he is interested in. Once he has cleared loan and other formalities with the bank, he will commence his search for the ideal location. It is very important to have the office in a locality that has other offices and is close to the main business centers. This will ensure that the office gets noticed, and one can work on developing their business thereon.

The building chosen might be one that is already in place or the businessman could pick up a vacant plot and go about creating his own office space. The former is an easy choice especially when starting out as it will save time in construction and getting the place up and running. This would mean that he will have to rent out a temporary office space till then, spending money on rent. If he is able to close a deal with an existent building and lease it out for a couple of years, he can then move in right away. This way, he will be able to kick start his operations at the earliest and business will be on its way.

Once the building and office space has been chosen and finalized, next comes decorating the place to suit the personality of the owner or employer. It also needs to be professional and reflect the kind of business one is into. If it is completely disconnected, it might not leave a good impression on a person who walks in for the first time. There must a space made out in the front for reception area and for visitors to wait in. Adequate space must also be allotted for meeting rooms and cafeteria. All this will depend on the size of the employee base and the kind of budget one has in mind. The only thing the entrepreneur needs to pay attention to is that he finds a space that can accommodate the employee base he has and sufficient place for all the hardware and equipment required.

Office Suite Group has 4 locations in Manhattan offering the best in New York office space solutions. From virtual offices to furnished space, out office leases offer convenience and a full team for your support staff.

Tips for starting a new business: By Sean R Mize

November 21, 2009 by  
Filed under Featured Articles, Wright Ideas

Here are some tips for those people who would like to start their new business: By Sean R Mize

1. Check on your competitors. It is not enough that you know the needs and demands of your potential clients. It’s not also enough that you are confident that you can meet these needs. If you want to increase your chances of making a sale, you need to understand what your competitors are doing. You will need to outplay these people so you can keep your potential buyers from purchasing from them.

2. Hard work and determination. Putting up a small business can be really overwhelming and at times, downright frustrating. You will need to work hard and you will need a truck load of determination to succeed in this field.

3. Hire the best people. Keep in mind that your employees are the secrets to your business’ success. So, hire only the best. Go with those individuals who are driven, result-oriented, and easy to work with. Its better if the people you are hire have in-depth knowledge about your products and about the business that you would like to put up.

4. Be willing to invest for your advertising cost. Spending your precious dimes on your advertising campaign is probably your wisest investment in growing your business. Through this, you’ll be able to promote product awareness and you can easily reach out to those people who are most likely to buy from you. This can lead to enormous sales leads and increased revenue.

5. Offer 100% satisfaction. Having a great reputation in your chosen niche is the key to attract more customers. Make sure that your clients have nothing but good things to say about you and your products. Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed a brand new free guide.

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