The GRM Awards 2019
September 3, 2019 by Dr. Letitia Wright
Filed under Featured Articles, Front Page
I had a great time at the GRM awards in Northern California.
I was surprised and got the West Coast Media Mogul Award.
Congrats to all the Nominees and Winners!!

Dr. Letitia Wright at the GRM Awards 2019

Dr. Letitia Wright at the GRM Awards 2019
Want to work with me to get yourself well known? Apply here:
My Article in Positive Vibe Magazine
July 13, 2019 by Dr. Letitia Wright
Filed under Crowd Funding, Featured Articles, Front Page
I’ve been writing on and off for Positive Vibe Magazine for the last few months. I usually write about Crowdfunding however, I will be adding some articles about my work with Stand Up for Kids Orange County.
Shout out to my fellow writers! Visit their websites to find out more about them!
Ready for the Market!
July 11, 2019 by Dr. Letitia Wright
Filed under Featured Articles, Front Page
The lipsticks in the middle were create by one of my Kid Entrepreneurs! It’s almost ready to go to market!.
I am ver proud of all the work done to get it there. This Kid is going to be a mogul. simply because the kid is willing to learn and DO the actual work!
I’ll update people soon on where they can get this lipstick line, It’s still kind of secret until ready for full launch.
Now we need a plan to distribute the message about the lipsticks!
If you like supporting Kid Entrepreneurs, then ask me how you can help with my Youth Entrepreneur Incubator!
This is the program I use to teach underserved kids how to start a business!