Back in the Studio for Season 21!
October 22, 2021 by Dr. Letitia Wright
Filed under Featured Articles, Front Page
I guess the show is grown now. Mature enough to handle some really tough topics and do what it wants to do. It certainly can pay it’s own bills and I am happy for that! It even has it’s own place now! That’s right, 3 places! Amazon Fire TV, Apple TV and Roku! You can download the apps into your smart TV and watch it anywhere you can get internet. It’s not on social media, it’s on MY TV Channel – The Wright Place TV Channel
It feels like years since I have been in the studio, but it seems to be flowing back to me easily and check lists are a big help. All guests will be virtual, as we face an unsure future with the DELTA virus, I would rather be safe.
There are a few changes to the show and I look forward to them. The full shows will no longer be on YOUTUBE. There maybe some clips but that’s all. I hope you will download the Wright Place TV Channel app and go on this new journey with us!

Today’s Guests:

Musical Guest

The GRM Awards 2019
September 3, 2019 by Dr. Letitia Wright
Filed under Featured Articles, Front Page
I had a great time at the GRM awards in Northern California.
I was surprised and got the West Coast Media Mogul Award.
Congrats to all the Nominees and Winners!!

Dr. Letitia Wright at the GRM Awards 2019

Dr. Letitia Wright at the GRM Awards 2019
Want to work with me to get yourself well known? Apply here:
Culture Mood Twitter Chat
August 2, 2019 by Dr. Letitia Wright
Filed under Featured Articles, Front Page
Culture Mood- Twitter chat
American culture is a whole mood. When you think about it, it drives several billion dollar industries that directly affect the economy.
And yet for some reason?
It often seems like the people who set the trends get the least respect from the companies we buy from – we’ll mention no names of course.
(Brief pause to reflect on this Summer’s faux pas while giving them NO energy.)
So what can we do about that?
We can start with a discussion.
Culture Moods is all about Black contributions to all types of culture, with a recurring emphasis on style and fashion.
In what we are hoping will be the first of many Twitter chats we have brought on an expert to discuss a topic of much frustration.
On Thursday August 8th at 9 pm Eastern where we’ll be sharing our fashion inspiration and interview our guest expert Gary J. Nix.
After our swag style introductions, he’ll explain to us why Nothing Moves Without Us: The value of our cultural proximity and how to make it work for you.
Join us on Twitter using the #CultureMoods hashtag on August 8 at 9 pm ET.
Sponsored by Belvedere Shoes*.
Belvedere Shoes is a designer/distributor of artisan shoes for men, hand-crafted of genuine exotic leathers. Check out our seasonal styles.
*Not otherwise affiliated with this event. Please direct questions to the organizers and moderators of the chat.