How to Stay Inspired!
April 17, 2019 by Dr. Letitia Wright
Filed under Featured Articles, Front Page

Listen to this episode on how I cope to stay inspired, howI keep going even when things are not looking great. If you’re on the edge, this is a perfect time to slow down and listen to this.
BEing Seen & BEing Heard as a Thought Leader!
May 12, 2018 by Dr. Letitia Wright
Filed under Crowd Funding, Featured Articles, Front Page
BEing Seen & BEing Heard as a Thought Leader!
My Friend Mitchell Levy’s recent TED talk is a big hit. Thought leaders around the globe have been watching and taking notes.
How do you present yourself so that you are heard? How do you find yourself being so that your communication is the best it can be? Communication has changed over the centuries but as presenters and professional speakers, are we still using the old tried and true stuff? Or are we changing with the time? Explore the possibilities with this popular TED Talk!