Why You Should be a Podcast Guest This Month!


Whatever month you are reading this, you should be booked as a podcast guest. Before you say, Hey Dr. Wright, I don’t have any to sell right now. I want you to put that SELLING out of your mind. Being a Podcast guest is an excellent opportunity you are allowing to pass you by, every single month!
On iTunes alone, there are 500,000 active podcasts. Surely there are 12 that would be happy to have you as a guest. There are at least 12 podcasts that would have the perfect audience for you.

I am not encouraging you to start your own podcast. That is a discussion for a different day. I am talking about being the featured guest on a podcast. I am talking about capturing their audience for up to an hour with your message. I am talking about exposure AND engagement on levels you have not gotten before. Why? Because this is a pull technology. Pull technology means everyone is listening because they WANT to, not because they have to. That’s 80% of the battle right there. When you have people who want to hear from you because the person they love listening to introduced you to them and recommended that they listen to you, you are in!

If you’re a busy consultant with no system and plan for getting on podcasts and making the most of them without being salesy, then you need to come to BE THE BEST PODCAST GUEST workshop on September 5th, 2019.

This live half-day workshop will give you a plan, get you comfortable for the interviews, and get you booked! Click here to get the details and sign up!
Be the Best Podcast Guest Workshop!

Want to get notified of the next events, podcasts, TV Shows and shenanigans? Click here and sign up for the newsletter!

Break Kickstarter!


This new summer program can make raising money fun for you and your tribe, it’s called BREAK KICKSTARTER. Learn how to use it on the podcast.

Just push and listen, I share all the rules with you!

Should You Start Your Own Podcast?

Should You Start Your Own Podcast?

It seems like everyone has a podcast. It seems like everyone advises you to start your own podcast. It also appears that it’s super easy to start a podcast, and everyone has a course on how to be successful in your podcast. In 2018 578,165 podcasts were launched on Itunes alone. Not all of them were groundbreaking, great, or even interesting.

When you start your podcast, you have to know your own personal why. If you are a solo entrepreneur and you want to get your message heard, being on a podcast is a wonderful opportunity. Starting your podcast may not be the best way to do it. Being on OTHER PEOPLE’S PODCAST CAN BE THE BEST WAY TO DO IT.


Why Be a Guest On Other People’s Podcast

Here are three reasons why:
1) Other people’s podcasts already have an audience; you are starting from scratch. Your first podcast may have a tiny audience, while you as a guest on another podcast could be heard by 10,000 your very first time.
2) The work involved to be a guest is much less than what it takes to prepare your first podcast. Even if you are delegating the job to someone else, the process of setting it up to be transferred is more work than media prepping for an interview.
3) For Solo Entrepreneurs with limited time, it’s a great choice because you don’t have the extra staff to do a lot of the things that need to be done when you have your podcast. And you may not have the massive budget needed to hire good people to handle your podcast for you.

Being a guest on other podcasts do take setting up a system and being media trained for the experience. But when you put those two things together, in a short time, you become the known as the expert in your field, and that’s all you need to become the go-to person for the clients you want.

I’ll be sharing some great podcast that take guests with those on my Wright Place TV Show list! 

Want to get on the list to find out the new Be the Best Podcast Guest Workshop? Click Here! 

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