16 Random Things
June 6, 2017 by Dr. Letitia Wright
Filed under Featured Articles, Front Page

1. I was an exchange student to Denmark when I was in High School, I have had a passport since I was 16. It was a wonderful trip, however, I was prepared to go to a spanish speaking country, so now my Danish and Spanish are iffy.
2. I am a big Star Trek fan. I own a Tribble, a Tricorder and other stuff I won’t mention here. If an Away-Team ever breaks out, I can be dressed in 30 minutes. I always play humans.
3. I am a Chiropractic Physician, not a PhD, although I appreciate the compliment. I am also the first woman of color to do hospital Surgical rounds as a Chiropractor. I know how to do manipulation under anesthesia.
4. I love all kinds of music except country. You can find every genre in my iPhone and iPod. I learned to play piano when I was young so I have always loved classical music.
5. If you sit next to me on the plane, I will make you watch my show on my iphone. You have been warned.
6. I had a Quarter Morgan horse when I was 13, named Jumbe. I did not know how to ride before I got him, the horse actually taught me! He knew a lot of tricks.
7. The Wright Place TV show is not my first show, my first show was called A Healthier You. II\ asked all my doctor friends to be on my show.
8. I was home-schooled until 10th grade in High School. It was not called Home-school back then, and my mother was threatened with police action for taking me out of the school system at 4th grade. I graduated high school at 16 with a diploma.
9. I am not the first person in my family to write a book or produce a film. My maternal grandfather also did those things.
10. I was a Picture of the Week in Jet Magazine when I was 8 after taking a plane ride by myself from New York to Los Angeles. It helps that my grandfather was west coast editor of Jet at the time.
11. I was a Stevie Award Nominee in 2004 and NAFE Business of the Year in 2003.
12. When I was named one of the 35 Top Business Leaders of the Year, I brought my parents to the award luncheon, no one else did. I think people could see how young I was. They still gave my parents lunch for free.
13. I have Spina Bifida Oculta- I am very blessed that it really has no impact on my health. It could have resulted in my being crippled. I only found out when I studied my own xrays.
14. I used to be someone’s imaginary friend- you can read those details here:
15. I can speak spanish, swahili, a little Danish and a ittle Portuguese and Klingon.
16. My favorite pig out food is Pizza, my mother says its the first word I ever read out loud to her. Grazianos in Fontana or Dominico’s in Pasadena are my favorites.
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