16 Random Things
June 6, 2017 by Dr. Letitia Wright
Filed under Featured Articles, Front Page

1. I was an exchange student to Denmark when I was in High School, I have had a passport since I was 16. It was a wonderful trip, however, I was prepared to go to a spanish speaking country, so now my Danish and Spanish are iffy.
2. I am a big Star Trek fan. I own a Tribble, a Tricorder and other stuff I won’t mention here. If an Away-Team ever breaks out, I can be dressed in 30 minutes. I always play humans.
3. I am a Chiropractic Physician, not a PhD, although I appreciate the compliment. I am also the first woman of color to do hospital Surgical rounds as a Chiropractor. I know how to do manipulation under anesthesia.
4. I love all kinds of music except country. You can find every genre in my iPhone and iPod. I learned to play piano when I was young so I have always loved classical music.
5. If you sit next to me on the plane, I will make you watch my show on my iphone. You have been warned.
6. I had a Quarter Morgan horse when I was 13, named Jumbe. I did not know how to ride before I got him, the horse actually taught me! He knew a lot of tricks.
7. The Wright Place TV show is not my first show, my first show was called A Healthier You. II\ asked all my doctor friends to be on my show.
8. I was home-schooled until 10th grade in High School. It was not called Home-school back then, and my mother was threatened with police action for taking me out of the school system at 4th grade. I graduated high school at 16 with a diploma.
9. I am not the first person in my family to write a book or produce a film. My maternal grandfather also did those things.
10. I was a Picture of the Week in Jet Magazine when I was 8 after taking a plane ride by myself from New York to Los Angeles. It helps that my grandfather was west coast editor of Jet at the time.
11. I was a Stevie Award Nominee in 2004 and NAFE Business of the Year in 2003.
12. When I was named one of the 35 Top Business Leaders of the Year, I brought my parents to the award luncheon, no one else did. I think people could see how young I was. They still gave my parents lunch for free.
13. I have Spina Bifida Oculta- I am very blessed that it really has no impact on my health. It could have resulted in my being crippled. I only found out when I studied my own xrays.
14. I used to be someone’s imaginary friend- you can read those details here:
15. I can speak spanish, swahili, a little Danish and a ittle Portuguese and Klingon.
16. My favorite pig out food is Pizza, my mother says its the first word I ever read out loud to her. Grazianos in Fontana or Dominico’s in Pasadena are my favorites.
Tell me somethng good!
Kicker Starting A Pug Named Fender
May 20, 2011 by Dr. Letitia Wright
Filed under Books, Featured Articles, Front Page, Wright Ideas
A lot of us talk about using Kick Starter for our projects.
Its a fantastic way to use social media but its also
being very brave. You are putting your social
media self on the line. Are these people who
really support you or are you just talking to the
Here’s the project!
He has 44 days to make it happen!
Pledge and get to see how Kick Starter
works up close and personal!
This is an excellent video to
tell you what the project is.
Here is the episode that is my personal
This is one way to get sponsors.
To learn more about sponsorship
grab my sponsorship CD
while on sale!