Bad Pitches

When you are pitching ( talking to media about having you IN their outlet) you need to make sure it matches what they do. Match the outlet!

Here is an actual pitch sent to me via email this morning:

Hi Dr. Wright,

Hope all is well. I wanted to give you some information that I think your readers will find useful.
School’s out for summer! And while parents of young children are busy coordinating family vacations, summer camp and play dates at the pool, an unexpected summer cold can put the brakes on all those activities.
Pre-school and elementary school children can get up to 12 colds per year, and while colds are more common in the fall and winter, summer colds occur more frequently than you might think because of exposure to air conditioning…

It goes on from there talking about how somones DAD and a nurse can talk about how to recognize summer colds and how a brand name over the counter medicine ( who competes with ANOTHER over the counter medicine that had to be taken off the shelf) is a good choice.

This does not fit Wright Place TV on any level, so of course the answer is no.

This person has not even bothered to read the blog or even look at it to know it’s a bad mix. Normally, I just delete bad pitches but this time I wrote back what she wrote and told her, its not a good match on ANY level.

Can you spot the mistakes?

1. We do not do anything on kids unless they are running a business

2. You said you think my readers would like it letting me know you have no idea what the blog is about.

3. Your expert to interview is someone’s DAD who is an expert in summer colds- sorry, that is lame, especially because I am a doctor.

4. Clearly this is an ad for the over the counter medicine, you would do better just getting ad space.

4. This is not a Mommy-prenuer blog

I understand what they are doing and there are some places that they are a good fit, this PR person was lazy and just sent out a blast. I am not likely to consider ANYTHING she sends because I know she is not specific and it’s a waste of my time. Which means one of her clients could miss out on a good opportunity.

Need some good tips on PR?

Grab the PR Challenge!

The Journey Movie Trailer

The Journey Movie Trailer by the movie’s Director
Dr. Letitia Wright

Marketing Online with SEO

This is a guest post provided by Eric Woolf of Pixels and Dot’s Cincinnati web design and online marketing team.

Everyone has heard that the internet is becoming larger and larger for doing business.  And it really can be a profitable to sell your products or services online but it’s becoming more competitive than ever.  Advertising rates are going up making it more expensive to get exposure to your site so there are other ways to do it inexpensively.

The first that I suggest is to optimize your site for the search engines.  This is known as search engine optimization or SEO throughout the internet marketing community.  By optimizing your site for the search engines you can get free traffic when people search for your type of product or service.  Being listed on the top few spots allows you to get a lot of exposure to your site and more sales.

To get you started, some of the basics of SEO are listed below:

Optimize your pages for the keywords that you want to rank for by including the search term in the Title and Meta description tags.  Then you will want to include that same term into the body of the article so the search engines know that it’s relevant for their results.

Include anchor text links to the page that you want to get ranked for from other pages.  So to rank your site for Cincinnati search engine optimization, you would link to that keyword with the URL.  The following sentence is an example:  “Also check out our local Cincinnati search engine optimization and internet marketing services.”

Getting a lot of other sites to link to your website is one of the most important factors when ranking your website as an authority for the search engines.  As I have done here, writing and providing free information can help provide other websites fresh content, while providing a link back to your site.

The second way to market through the internet inexpensively is with social media.  Connecting with people through social media pages gives provides an increase in brand recognition and exposure since millions of people use it to connect.

I hope these tips help!  Be sure to leave any comments below.