Ever thought of Co-hosting?
January 13, 2015 by Dr. Letitia Wright
Filed under Featured Articles, Front Page
Many people have co-hosts for their podcasts, radio shows, web shows and television shows. Some even have co-bloggers for their blog. Why? Because you can create a great environment for your tribe when you have two people at the helm.
There are a few people who do it really well. Think Regis and Kelley- Well, now it’s Kelly and Michael! Che Brown and Trevor Otts own it in the online webinar space. Penn Jillette had a co-host on his blog talk radio show. Co-hosting is an art!
Co-hosting is a great way to learn quickly with a partner who can give you great feed back. Even if you just have a chance to Co-host for one show, you should do it. Why bother? Exposure to their market.
Co-hosting is a great way to spin off your own show or podcast! You’ll have an audience ready to follow you.
Soon you will be hearing about Wright Place Studios. This is where I will be media training and producing shows for people. With this training, you can start off your show with success and not wait years to grow your audience.