Where to Watch

KHIZ is also on Time-Warner

San Bernardino County: Barstow – Time Warner Channel 10

San Bernardino County: Adelanto, Lake Arrowhead, Rancho Cucamonga, Big Bear, Hesperia, Phelan, Big Bear Lake, Victorville- Channel 15

Los Angeles County: Santa Monica- Channel 15

Los Angeles County: Hermosa Beach, Redondo Beach, Manhattan Beach- Channel 47

Los Angeles County: Acton, Lancaster, Lake Los Angeles, Leona Valley, Little Rock, Palmdale, Quartz Hills- Channel 14

Orange County : Time Warner Channel 32

Please check Time Warner Channel 32 if your city is NOT listed

This is the channel for most cities

  Arroyo Channel

         * AT&T U-Verse Channel 99

         * Charter Channel 32

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