Small Business Resources that Matter
February 19, 2014 by Dr. Letitia Wright
Filed under A Note for You, Front Page
Small Business Resources that Matter
The one thing that anyone can find a great deal of on the Internet is information. Whatever you are looking for one quick Google search later and you will almost certainly have found it. Or will you?
What is a Small Business White Paper Really?
Small Business Resources
By dictionary definition a white paper a white paper is ‘an authoritative report or guide helping readers to understand an issue, solve a problem, or make a decision’. They originated in government in the 1920s but over the years were also adopted by individuals and businesses as a way to disseminate a larger amount of information to a wide audience. They are also a marketing tool for the authors but that does not mean that the information they impart is not hugely valuable which is why I, and many others, find them to be such a great resource.
Although there are a great many white papers published all of the time finding them is not always easy. The nature of the search engine is to push certain results, the ones with the right keywords, but not necessarily the best information, to the top of a search, making it harder to find these long form pieces that do offer the in depth information you were searching for.
A Wealth of Resources in One Place
Imagine a place where you can find a huge number of white papers and similar long form informational pieces all in one place, covering a vast array of industries. Resources that have been pre-vetted to weed out the spam and the poorly written, inaccurate information that the search engines do not. That is exactly what I did happen upon and it is fair to say the site has become one of my go to resources for information and education in my own field as well as a place to learn something new. It is also an excellent resource for those seeking new career challenges and those who are looking for people who are. The fact that the white papers are free to download is an extra bonus.
I am not claiming that white papers can solve all your problems or give you all of the information you need but as a way to as their definition suggests solve problems, make decisions or simply become better informed about your industry, your career or your future career they can prove invaluable. And addictive, so don’t say you haven’t been warned. Although when can there ever be such a thing as too much learning on the way to reaching your goals?