Cornucopia’s ‘Green Goddess Crowdfunded €50,000 in 48 Hours

June 23, 2016 by  
Filed under Crowd Funding, Front Page

This comes from the article Crowdfunding foodies raising lots of dough by Deirdre Reynolds

Many restaurants are now turning their backs on the banks when it comes to seeking finance and using their customers, family and small-time investors to fulfil their food dreams. Retailing at €3.95, Cornucopia’s ‘Green Goddess’ – infused with apple and the ubiquitous avocado – is just one of the trendy cold-pressed juices new to shelves here after the company successfully crowdfunded €50,000 in only 48 hours.

Meanwhile, back at the city centre eatery, eagle-eyed regulars may have noticed the shiny new service counter, also installed no thanks to the banks recently.
“We were in something called Food Works [a business programme run by Bord Bia, Enterprise Ireland and Teagasc] with our juice product and they recommended crowdfunding,” explained Deirdre, who set up the health-food-store-turned-wholefood restaurant with her late husband, Neil, in 1986.

“I had some experience of working with the crowd because when I was turned down for planning permission to turn the building beside us from retail to restaurant. I went to my customers and I got a petition going. Two thousand people signed it [saying], ‘Please give her planning permission’, over a two-week period,” says Deirdre.

Why this is important: When you read the article you can see that she had her tribe lined up. Not only had she successfully rallied them before, they are able to create change. Now, the second time around they are bigger and stronger. That’s why we offer clients a tribe building program before they crowd fund, so that they can get a tribe that will work and put in money. 

Read the rest of the article here:


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