The Wright Place TV Show & Project Best Seller 15

Imagine, your name followed by “the overnight success and best-selling author of…” appearing in press releases and blogs week-after-week! “Project Best$eller!” can deliver that before you have written a single word. “Project Best$eller!” is a 4-part webinar series, that will walk you through Peak Performer’s Publishing’s system for writing your book faster than you ever imagined possible.
I’ll be teaching “Microsponsorship- How to Crowdfund Your Book”

Even if you flunked high school English and can’t write your way out of a paper bag, at the “Project Best$eller!” webinar, you will learn how to write a book in less than 48 hours. Plus, discover how to use your book to get access to bigger players in your industry. After you see how effectively this works, you will burn your business cards for good!

At the “Project Best$eller!” webinar, you will learn the truth about publishers, why their fees are criminally high, and where to get your books printed for pennies. Let’s face it, your fans are already foaming at the mouth to buy your book, your unwritten book! Why not sell your first thousand books before you have written a single word? “Project Best$eller!” will show you the simple secret for getting your fans to invest in you. Create your own paid monthly book club and learn how many become an eBook millionaire! I’ll be teaching “Microsponsorship- How to Crowdfund Your Book”
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Of course, the strategy is to sell more books by lowering the price. No! Sell your book for $99 dollars when everyone else is selling theirs for $10 and $20 dollars. At the “Project Best$eller!” webinar, learn about the amazing “Overnight Success” formula that consistently produces new big hits on the Amazon best seller list. With this secret in action, your esteemed colleagues will be casting champagne toasts to your success in no time.

Turn your book into the goose that lays the golden eggs. At the “Project Best$eller!” webinar, learn how to get paid tens of thousands of dollars in speaking fees to talk about your book. Plus, pull back the big black curtain. Discover, Peak Performer’s Publishing’s secret patent pending technique for becoming an overnight social media sensation. Press releases and blogs week-after-week shouting about your book!

Register today to claim your free gift or join as a private group. Reserve your seat at the “Project Best$eller!” webinar event now!
($297 Value, Yours Free For A Limited Time!)

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