Online Begging: Crowdfunding Friday Call with IAN SNEED

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Ian Sneed talked about ONLINE Begging. If you think crowdfunding is online begging, then you need to hear what he has to say. IF you are worried about Online begging, takes some time to listen to this particular broadcast: Ian Sneed on Funding Friday 


Crowdfunding is not just a money game but a mind game. Some of my clients are so stressed about money that they can’t be calm enough to pull off the game plan. I wanted to address that. I think Ian Sneed as a unique approach to the money mindset. I discovered him on Periscope and enjoyed his platform. He is smart and funny. He is well read and not just repeating the things that you hear in Law- Of- Attraction groups. I hope you will enjoy his style and thought process. But mostly, I hope you are relaxed enough to get going on your plan to raise money or Invest with Crowdfunding. Your Time is now.


If you want to join us on the call for Feb 19th 2016 at 9 am PST –  you can get the number here: 

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