Raise Money with Crowd Funding
February 5, 2012 by Dr. Letitia Wright
Filed under Featured Articles, Front Page
I’ve been telling people to start their own business for years.
Even if you have a career, your own business can be the thing
that balances your financial ups and down. Now in this economy it takes
a career AND your own business to make it. Take a look around you.
See who is making it through the recession and see if YOU
don’t see that most of them have both going!
The other thing is money. It’s always the reason why people do not start,
grow, building, advertise. or promote their business.
Most people have not come through the last financial storms
with enough to qualify for a bank loan. Many businesses are
too small for investors to be interested. They are trying to make
millions on their investments. Family and friends are mostly
tapped out. Now there is a way to raise the money
without loans that have to be paid back, without
selling shares of your company and giving away control.
It’s called Crowd Funding. If money is truly the
ONLY thing keeping you from moving forward on your
business idea, then Crowd Funding can get
the money in 60-90 days.
This is for people who are ready to go. That means everything is in place
you just need the money to execute. If you still have to figure things out,
make a plan, decide on things, then this is not for you.
But it if is for you, let’s talk about it! Get some information so you can get
started! Attend our Feb 15th Crowd Funding meeting at 6:30 pm and
start on the path to your dream. We know it takes money, now we know how to
get it!