August 18, 2015 by  
Filed under Crowd Funding, Front Page


Changing the buttons on a piece of clothing has long been one of the easiest and most fun ways to update your wardrobe. New buttons make any garment feel completely new. Auxilry has made an easier way to change buttons with new technology. No sewing is ever needed.

You would remove your old button, the make two small holes and add the fastener tips. The base button goes on top and twist on the button design of your choice. You can change the buttons over and over. The pop of details can freshen any wardrobe. The buttons last and you won’t have any more loose threads around the buttons. The buttons are strong, the garment is washed as usual. The buttons are lightweight and will last for years. The buttons come in standard size.

The perks include button packs with all the tools and a choice of colors. There is also the chance to attend the New York City Product Launch Party and Mixer. The stretch goals include more color and textures of buttons.

Support starts at $25 on Kickstarter, you can support them here: