FAMU Invests in Fearless Fund

The FAMU Foundation has an investment value of $142 million and an endowment value of $106 million. “This marks an historic moment in the history of the FAMU Foundation,” says executive director Shawnta Friday-Stroud, Ph.D. “We are charged with investing in and for the future of our great institution. We expect this investment to pay dividends for generations to come.”


“This investment from Florida A&M University is an exciting addition to our fund and furthers our mission to bridge the gap in VC funding for female founders of color,” said Arian Simone, General Partner and Co-Founder of Fearless Fund. “As an alumnus of Florida A&M University, having them invest in what we are building with Fearless Fund means all the more to me.” We definitely need the support of the corporations to bridge this gap because the 0.0006%, it’s going to take billions of dollars in order to even out the whole equity playing field. So we need as many corporations, as many venture capital funds, as many people who are in this space that are looking to invest in minority equity in order to help move the needle on thi