From Coach Trudy
January 12, 2018 by Dr. Letitia Wright
Filed under A Note for You, Featured Articles, Front Page
You are Greater and More Powerful than you Think!
Coach Trudy Finlayson
We are what we think and that in turn creates our emotions/feelings which drive our words and actions that produce the results we get in our lives.
One key to creating the life we desire is to focus on what we want! But first we have to know what that is. What do YOU want and WHY do you want it? Loving relationships, spiritual growth, financial security, physical & emotional health, happiness, confidence etc.
So many of us do not see how truly powerful we really are. We live our lives as passive or reactive spectators. We think we are powerless to change ourselves and/or our situation. That?s just the way I am or It is what it is- what can I do? Truth is there is so much we can do. John Wheeler, a Princeton Physicist says that the simple act of looking at something changes it. God has given us the power to choose and create with our thoughts, words and actions. We are not spectators or powerless puppets.
We are co-creators of our lives.
What if you lived your life by that truth? What would you change? What would you think about? How would your life be different?
We have the power to change our lives.
Changing the way we think about things requires focused action. It will not go away by itself. We have to take captive every thought that is not in agreement with the truth of who God says we are and what we can do. Negative thoughts left unchecked, zap our energy and prevent us from living the lives we want.
When I am faced with negative thoughts and unbelief. I purposely begin thanking and praising God for all he has done and turn my attention to the blessings in my life. I speak out loud the truth of who I am, whose I am, what I was created to be, have and do.
God loves me and I am valuable to him.
God is love and God lives in me therefore love is in me.
All things are possible to those who believe,
I believe therefore I have limitless potential and possibility.
I am a joint heir with the Great King of Kings created to do Great and Amazing things.
I triumph in all things thru Christ and I am more than a conqueror!
My God supplies all my needs and wealth and riches are in my house.
I am healed and Spirit filled, sickness and disease cannot live in or on my body.
Today is my day to manifest the Greatness, Love and Power of God
The law of confession (say what God has said) charges the atmosphere with truth, love & light and the darkness, doubt, negativity and fear has to leave.
What do you spend time thinking about? What do you believe about you and your life? What do you say when faced with challenges of life? Does your behavior match your beliefs? I would love it if you shared your thoughts about this with me at
P.S. I have 20 free tickets left for our Christmas Brunch December 12, 10am-2pm Honoring Single Parent Moms. Ladies come out and join us in celebrating & supporting the women who have the task of raising and training responsible children many times without assistance. Please email or call me for more info.
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