The Odd Places I like to GO- Philadelphia April 2015

April 28, 2015 by  
Filed under Featured Articles

I travel a lot and this year, I decided to start blogging about it!


My trip to Philadelphia was after 2 business trips to DC and a nice stop to hang with family on my way home. I really like South Street, the shops and trees in the spring are enchanting. I did not shop but I did get Pizza at Lorenzo’s. You know those giant slices that fill you up? Yeah! And I ate it walking down the street like a heathen!


There are all kinds of historical stops and I have done them over and over, but I happened to park near this W.E.B. Dubois sign and so I took that. The metal skeletal lady reminds me of something The Bloggess would want at her house! And one building was covered with art or intentional graffiti. 


I enjoy Phili a lot, partly because loved ones are there and partly because it “feels” so different from California. Everything in California is new compared to this. It’s just a different vibe. It was a sunny spring day, later that day it rained. The storm was fantastic! Lightening, Thunder! Pouring rain! The special effects department went all out. I love it.

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