TCE 2013 Career and Biz Summit
June 2, 2013 by Dr. Letitia Wright
Filed under Dr. Wright Live (Events), Featured Articles, Front Page
October 12, 2013 Plus Bonus Friday Evening Networking Event!
Register Here http://tce
On October 14, the nation celebrates the journey of Christopher Columbus and the “DISCOVERY” of the NEW WORLD. Now what I find interesting about that entire story is that…the NEW WORLD…was already there! It was ONLY “NEW” to Mr. Columbus! However, I DO appreciate HIS vision to launch out and discover! What about YOU…are you READY to UNCOVER your Career & Biz Value & DISCOVER Opportunties?
Then join us on this journey of discovery, opportunity, human intel, deep connections and access on this holiday week-end! On the famous Virginia Beach Ocean front (make a TCE Summit-cation out of it). Enjoy the palm-trees, Atlantic Ocean and all.. on the trending north-end of the beach. I DARE YOU to Uncover your Career or Business “Power, Purpose & activate “on-target” Positionong. I will SEE YOU on the Beach Oct 11 & 12, 2013.
Thank you so much for your buzz and support this our TCE Career & Biz Summit! Columbus day weekend 2013 is going to be MAGICAL! Only 100 seats available for boutique professionals who REALLY are SERIOUS about changing their Monday Morning experiences. Love Your Mondays!
Pushup, Thank you for the Buzz and Support! Columbus Day weekend is going to ROCK!