Good Day Orange County- Lauren Solomon and Dr. Letitia Wright
July 3, 2019 by Dr. Letitia Wright
Filed under Featured Articles, Front Page
I was so excited when my friend Lauren Solomon invited me to her show to talk about
Stand Up for Kids -Orange County!
This is the thing that I’ve been working on that has given me much fulfillment:
They said ” Don’t miss this fun and inspiring interview with one of Orange Country’s brightest entrepreneurial minds and biggest advocate for young people.”
Hey! Take a few minutes and watch!
You can watch more of Good Morning Orange County Here!
If you would like to make a donation to SUFK-Orange County for the Youth Entrepreneur Incubator
visit and add a note that its for the YEI
Crowdfunding Intro on Periscope with Dr. Wright
March 3, 2016 by Dr. Letitia Wright
Filed under Crowd Funding, Front Page
When you go to a crowdfunding platform and you read a section where it says, I will teach you to crowdfund…do you ever wonder what they are going to teach? I will tell you on this scope!
Get the free resource guide when you text Peri to 909 906 9797
How to Sell When Nobody is Buying
June 10, 2009 by Dr. Letitia Wright
Filed under Books, Featured Articles, Watch the Show Here!
Dave Lakhani Training on How to Sell When Nobody’s Buying!
His new book his the stores the same day as this INTERVIEW!
This show is full of sales training tips!