Crowdfunding Search and Rescue UAV (Drone) Build

September 19, 2015 by  
Filed under Crowd Funding, Front Page


Utah Drone Imaging want to build Search and Rescue Multi-Rotor UAV (drone) that can carry a forward looking infrared camera and other lifesaving supplies to injured or missing persons and assist in basic first aid needs. They believe it will help save lives in future disasters. The most expensive part is the Thermal Imaging Cameras. With these cameras the drones can be the first ones in the sky looking for the lost and injured.  It can be used during the day or night to find people. It will also be equipped to carry first aid kits so that people could help themselves while waiting for the rescue team to arrive.

You can support this project here



The Importance of Removing Links from Your Blog

Smiling woman portrait.The Importance of Removing Links from Your Blog

By Article Expert

Link building has been a marketing tactic for many blog owners. Having external links on their blogs and internal links to their blogs build web traffic to their blogs, increase exposure and brand recognition, as well as has the potential to increase sales. However, with the Penguin updates, various lawsuits involving bad links, and countless unnatural link notifications sent to blog owners, link building could soon be a thing of the past.

Blog owners should start counting on natural keyword placement and good old fashion social media marketing in order to bring quality leads to their blogs. Leaving external links can be disastrous to a blog. Here are 3 important reasons to remove links from your blog.

Links May Lead Your Visitors to Competitors

No matter if you have SEO companies write your blog posts or write them yourself, having external links could be the reason you lose out on business. You have no control over external links and what their future may hold. Eventually, the external link may reference your potential business customers to a competitor, knowingly or unknowingly. The external link could have a change in ownership. They could work on their own SEO tactics and decide on other credible links for their site that leads to a competitor’s site. Since you can’t keep watch on everything your external link owners do, it’s easier and best to remove the link from your blog.

Johan Fredrik Höckert

Johan Fredrik Höckert (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Protect Your Credibility

As stated, you never know what a site owner will do. Some of their content may change on their site leading your blog to be incredible source. The content could be inaccurate as they no longer care about the quality of a website but more so quantity of keywords and exposure. They could start generating revenue from undisclosed paid advertisements. Whatever it may be, your credibility could be on the line and it will take much more effort to fix it than to just avoid it at all costs. You can build a higher rank with other marketing efforts.

Prevent You from Dropping in Your Google Rankings

Another reason for removing links from your blog is to prevent you from dropping in your Google rankings. Google and other search engines frown upon a lot these days and they are making every effort to have clean indexed pages. Common examples of what they are looking for include clean webpages that do not have web-spam. These sites should be beneficial and have beneficial natural keywords. Some sites stuff their pages with keywords or other scamming methods attempting to have a high ranked page. However, there is no useful content on their pages.

Some of these pages may participate in link schemes. Google has guidelines in place advising not to participate in things such as link and partner site exchanges, using automated services, or exchanging money or other services for links. These sites could end up being banned. If you are caught in any of these schemes or have these website links in your blog, you will be flagged and have a lowered page rank.

So by now, you have a good understanding of how harmful links can be to your blog. It may be totally innocent and an external link could just be caught in a bad situation themselves. However, you should not jeopardize your own blog and quality content you’ve worked hard to create. Getting a high placement again in Google’s search rank will not be an overnight process. If you are unsure or unsuccessful of removing bad links from your blog, there are link removal services available that do a great job.

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