6 Qualities that Every Boss Wants in Their Employees
July 6, 2016 by Dr. Letitia Wright
Filed under Featured Articles, Front Page
6 Qualities that Every Boss Wants in Their Employees
What can I do to impress my boss?
We’ve been asking ourselves this question for so long that it almost seems ridiculous we haven’t managed to write that universal guide to help us all with an answer. It’s a pretty normal thing to concern ourselves with. After all, our jobs invoke some sort of motivation and, no matter which one that is, said motivation is a goal that always goes through the impression we leave on our employers.
Fortunately, centuries of labor and interactions based on hierarchies haven’t been all for nothing, as there has been a pattern noticed. This pattern refers to an array of traits and qualities that many employers think represent the perfect employee.
Every business aims to produce something, let it be a good or a service. Quality and quantity of that product go hand-in-hand, and they’re directly proportional to how well the company will fare. Surprise your employers with sudden bursts of productivity, but try to stay tempered in order to maintain a certain consistency of your output.
Problem Solving
Or, rather, how well you behave when you’re faced with a difficult situation. If you get stuck on a particular issue, what do you do next? Do you fire away an opinionated e-mail to the staff or do you try to find your way out of the situation first? It’s definitely recommended that you try the latter option first, as adaptability and your capacity to work your way out of a sticky situation are definitely some excellent bonus points to your portfolio.
Initiative refers to plenty of things. To continue the previously mentioned idea, it also refers to your ability to grab the ropes and steer away from a difficult situation all by yourself. If no one will fix it, then who will? You can also show initiative by bringing forward the various issues you have discovered to the higher-ups, proving that you care about the proper development of the project.
Don’t be a passive player in this game. Get involved! Coming to work every day and awaiting instructions and papers to fill out won’t help you stand out much. Of course, having innovative ideas isn’t something that comes easily and, especially if you’re a newcomer, don’t worry too much about trying to impress with a groundbreaking resolution. Instead, do something extra out of your own free will. Show your contribution.
Creativity represents something extremely sought-after: out-of-the-box thinking. This is one of those qualities that you can prove to be true even before you land an interview by submitting a charmingly creative resume. This is a trait that determines how well you’re able to make something out of nothing, a very valuable asset.
The difference is in the little things. Show up on time at meetings, write down notes when your boss is explaining something, finish all of your duty tasks, and carry through with your promises. Separately, these may not mean a whole lot, but together, they create a system that proves that you care about the job and that you’re looking toward the future, a bigger picture.
All in all, a bright mind and a clear goal help in making sure that you earn your boss’s respect. You don’t need to work overtime, do longer hours, or in any way struggle to work more. Quality will always be preferred over quantity. Carefulness leads to problem solving, which lets you get more involved, boosts creativity, and shows your employer that you can take initiative.
Live up to these standards and your boss will most certainly value your contributions to the company – something which is bound to show up on the next paycheck.
5 Mail Order Start Up Tips
September 2, 2013 by Dr. Letitia Wright
Filed under Front Page, Wright Ideas
5 Mail Order Start Up Tips
By Darren
So you have a new business set up, and given lots of thought to the presentation online of your products and started to market them. Congratulations now the hard work can begin.
Here are so tips that you might not have thought of to help you get off to a smoother start.
1, Packing Materials
The first time that your clients actually see your product is when it arrives. At this point you can win a client for life, a person who will recommend you or loose the sale completely. So it is essential that the items that you despatch arrive in good condition and look great, as they only have one opportunity to make a first impression.
Use new packing material for your deliveries, so that they arrive in good condition. Each item inside a parcel delivery should be individually wrapped in bubble wrap. None of the items should touch the outer box and additional loose packaging should surround. In this way even if the box is dropped in transit the items inside should arrive in good condition.
2, Labelling
In addition to writing the delivery address or attaching the couriers shipping label on the outside of the parcel, it is good practice to enclose a copy of the delivery address label inside the parcel. If the original delivery label then comes off in transit and courier has to open the parcel, they will have all the information that they need to send the parcel on its way correctly.
3, Thank-you notes
Include a thank-you for your purchase note. This can also include details of other items that are similar that might be of interest to your client. Or a voucher or discount for future purchases from you. It is much easier to get another order from a satisfied client than a new one. As you have already proven your customer experience, product quality and customer care.
4, Use your reviews
Your website should automatically invite clients to review your products and services. Some of the online marketplaces such as ebay automatically do this for you. Having positive reviews on the product and how it arrived is needed to persuade other clients that they should work with you. If they give good review it gives you the opportunity to ask them to tweet or post on Facebook about the experience. Having positive reviews on your website or against your products can also help to drive sales.
Reviews work both ways. If you have an opportunity to review your buyer, always leave positive reviews and quickly as possible. It sets the tone the relationship and encourages them to do likewise.
5, Communication
Always keep your clients informed. When you get an order online, confirm it and advise when it is being despatched. Once it’s gone, let your client know and provide all of the tracking information that they need to follow their delivery. This is especially important if you are using an international parcel delivery service. For example if you are sending a parcel to Canada and your clients has their tracking information, it gives them the opportunity to monitor their delivery and resolve any customs queries in real time.
Good luck in building your business and I hope that these tips help.