Should You Spread Your Brand?

his article is for those who are interested in branding and are unfamiliar with the laws of branding. Branding your business is not difficulty does take some thought and the creation of a branding plan. By creating your brand purposefully, you will get the most out of it. This will create more sales and make marketing dollars work harder.

There are laws to marketing. Most small business owners are only looking at a logo. They do not take into consideration all the laws and everything they could do to create a strong brand. Out of all the things a business owner has to do, branding is one of the most simple things to do. The Law of extension says it may be a mistake to add your product name to all kinds of products. Many mistake extension for borrowing credibility from another product and placing it on a new product. It works well for people. Not so great for products and services. It only confused the general public. They simply are not paying close enough attention to be able to distinguish exactly what is going on with your products.

The original product suffers from brand dilution.

The inconsistency of the extension will change the relationship of the buyer with the original product. At the least, the product will seem irrelevant to the market. By creating a unique experience for your buyers, you stand out in the market. The experience will create the image you need. To do brand extension properly, answer these questions:

Have you identified a profitable business model in order to compete in this new category?
What type of competitive response will come from you entering this new market?
How big is this new category you want to enter?

With the answers to these questions and the proper research data, you can pull off a brand extension successfully.

How to Improve Your Existing Product Sales on Your Website

September 20, 2009 by  
Filed under Featured Articles, Wright Ideas

This article is for people considering a change for their products and offerings. You’ll look at 4 areas that are easily adjusted to give you more sales.

You may have a niche marketing website that just isn’t producing sales for you at the rate at which you had hoped it would. Perhaps it isn’t producing any income for you at all. One problem could be that you haven’t actually figured out that what you are selling is, in fact, a niche market product. You might need to do a little ‘tweaking’ and modify your strategies somewhat to get the site performing better. Here are a few things that you can do to improve your existing product sales.


Step #1:  Bill Cosby, the famous entertainer, once said, "I don’t know what the secret of success is, but I know the secret of failure and that was trying to please everybody." He was right. You can’t please everybody and you can’t sell to everybody either. It’s possible that you may simply need to narrow you market, identify you product as a niche marketing product and advertise it accordingly.


Step #2: To improve your existing product you have likely overlooked the most obvious solution of all. You could simply ask your customers what they think. They are, after all, the end users of the product or service that you are selling. There is nobody that knows how a product can be improved better than the people who are using the product.


Step #3: Analyze the competition. Take the time and put forth the effort to look at the product or service that your competitors are offering. Identify their strengths and weaknesses.  Find out what your competition cannot do, will not do or does not do well. Then set about doing those very things yourself.


Step #4: Are you selling your product at the right price? Pricing a product too low makes people think it won’t be any good, pricing too high will discourage them from buying it. Every product has a sweet spot in sales price. You need to find yours.


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