How to do a Sampling Campaign


I was reading Drew’s Marketing blog   
and he was talking about Sampling campaigns. I thought I would write about how one is done. This can give you some ideas for your business.

Service Businesses:
You do not always have to just give free services away, you can add a twist to make it really pay off for you.

You can discount the services in return for use of that business as a case study
Whenever anyone offers this to Wright Place TV Show, I take it.  It’s a great way to explore the services at a discount and feel confident that they want to make sure you succeed. Using your business as a case study only gives you more publicity. You know, Dr. Wright is all about the Publicity!

You can have Client Shadows
A potential client can shadow you as work on things, get to see your methods and  your unique style in getting it done. They will feel more confident in working with you because they will know what to expect.

Product businesses:

Product Placement on TV and Radio Shows and Blogs:
Having your product on a TV show, radio show or blog and then have them give it away gives you exposure and a viral word of mouth going. Yes even blogs get product placement now. This past few months Bloggess had a Wii to give away and I saw a lot of bloggers giving away a gift cards from K Mart and Wal Mart.
Contact the show or blog and let them know what you have and why their audience will really like it. Ask for a specific description and link back to your site and there you go!

Gift Bags
It’s the easiest thing ever! Contact events that will have your target audience and ask if you can give things away in their gift bags. If they do not have a gift bag, ask if you can place your items on the seats at the event so that each person can get one. Do not bother with a discount coupon for your item. If they have never heard of it, they wont buy it because it’s discounted.

Social Marketing Buddies
You’ve been doing all this social marketing, you have 10,000 followers on Twitter, 90 million friends on Facebook and My Space, 50,000 people ready to Digg or Dip or whatever, anytime you ask, however, NONE Of them have ever held your product in their hands? They are so used to lame virtual products they will salivate at the chance to get something real, so ask them if they would like one and write a review.

This works for Service products also. Secret Sushi (  Adam Helweh )
gave me a hour class on How to use Linked In. It was really good too.  I learned a lot.

These are just a few ideas you can use in 2009. Let’s me know if this was helpful and
what you want to use in 2009

Book Review of Subliminal Persuasion By Dave Lakhani

I just read Subliminal Persuasion and I have to say for business, it is one of the best books I have read in a while. This has been a good summer for books too! I was surprised to see that Lakhani actually shares some valuable secrets. This is not a reflection on him personally, most books that say they have secrets, and then share the stuff that does not matter or does not work anymore.


I hate Guru’s that share the strategies worked in 1902 and pass them off as salvation for your business. So , stop it with the Brooklyn Bridge sales stories already! The reason this book is valuable to Wright Place Viewers is because it will give you an education about advertising,  motivation and why things work. He has a great chapter about Product placement. Product Placement is what made our High Tea Show the best ever this year.  People need to understand why the things in the book work. Many people feel like they are set up to take advantage of product placement opportunities, When they really are not.  Learn about leverage in business with some great examples and action plans to make the information you learned work for you. Learn how branding really works and why it is not about your logo and tag line.

Dave Lakhani

As a Wright Place Viewer, you should be a reader. Seriously, you have to keep up.


Investing in books and live seminars will keep you up to date. I highly recommend this book and have also posted a review on Amazon. I appreciate that Lakhani is very upfront and has something to share with you. He does not mince his words, so you if do not wish to be confronted about some of your attitude towards your own business, leave this book alone. It will change how you see yourself, your business and your behavior.


This article was written in 2008 and was updated in 2017.


Bad product placement

It speaks for itself!

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