Subscription Crowdfunding case study

This is a great example of how it looks when someone does it on their own site instead of using Patreon

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Crowdfunding Channel 9 Malls Videos

September 9, 2015 by  
Filed under Crowd Funding


Review videos are not new. They are very helpful when you are quickly trying to learn more about a product or compare it to something else that is similar. Patreon is a website that works with Crowdfunding and long term pledges. Many people prefer it to YouTube’s Fan Funding. They say Patreon just does a better job. 9 Malls wants to bring you lots of product reviews. When you pledge to support 9 Malls, they can continue to the product reviews. You can see how much each person gets per month and how close they are to the goal. One funder at $2 a month can make all the difference.

Support them here