Crowdfunding for Hurricane Harvey Victims: How Not to Get Scammed
September 1, 2017 by Dr. Letitia Wright
Filed under Crowd Funding, Featured Articles, Front Page
Crowdfunding to Help Hurricane Harvey Victims How not to get scammed. Dr. Letitia Wright shares how to avoid scams and the best ways to help by crowdfunding. There are lots of people crowdfunding to help the victims, but the websites do not always verify each person who starts a crowdfunding project. In this video, Dr. Wright shows you how to verify the charity and the easiest way to help. She gives tips on giving and where to download Crowdfunding Made Easy for free. It’s a quick guide on how crowdfunding works and the top 25 sites she likes for crowdfunding. When you understand how crowdfunding works, it will help you figure out where to put your money. Do not assume that the person recommending the sites have done their homework. Check everything out for yourself.
The links talked about in this video are :
3 Rules for Giving to Non Profits
November 26, 2016 by Dr. Letitia Wright
Filed under Featured Articles, Front Page
I am posting this on behalf of the Non-Profits everywhere and especially the ones I support. They can not say this without people being offended. I will say it for them.
Rule 1- GIVE NEW
Give NEW UNOPENED ITEMS. People who need clothes have dignity too. No one wants your jordache jeans or your slightly worn clothes that you found when you cleaned your closet. New toys, still wrapped, not used toys. It’s healthier and cleaner for the person receiving it. Buying used items is a choice the shopper makes, when people are in need, this is not the best thing for the charity or a person. It is not the same thing as you choosing to shop at a resale store. In some cases, the non-profit is prohibited by law from taking used items. Also, please don’t bring ( or ask to bring) LEFT OVER FOOD. The best bet is to give the Non-Profit Cash so they can get what is needed, not just what YOU want to give.
Do not ask to see the people who are the recipients of your charity. Dropping off your donation should not become a petting zoo or a coffee date. Refrain from saying AWWW look at the ( FILL IN THE BLANK). If you want people in need to fall to their knees and thank you, you are in it for the wrong reason. If you are concerned that the charity will not give the items to the needy, you need to find another charity to support.
Do not donate old books for “education” purposes. Everyone who is in school needs an up to date book. Your math book from 1988 is just junk that the Non-profit has to PAY a staff member to throw away. And Yes, that goes for Libraries too. You need to check with them to see if they will accept it, not drop off a box of junk they now have to pay money to get rid of it.
Bonus Rule: No means NO
When they say they can not accept your “donation” (translate as junk) be gracious and get off the phone. Have a 15-minute conversation about why they should take your items when they already told you they could not accept it, is a waste of time and emotionally exhausting.
Who do I support? Bob Lucas Library and Literacy Center (Altadena, CA, USA), Celebrate Life Cancer Ministry ( Los Angeles, CA), Los Angeles Youth Network (Los Angeles, CA)