How to Successfully Market Yourself in 5 Easy Steps
February 8, 2018 by Dr. Letitia Wright
Filed under Featured Articles, Front Page, Wright Ideas
Wouldn’t it be a wonderful feeling to find free or inexpensive ways to promote yourself without breaking the bank? It may be hard to believe and it may even surprise you, but you can.
As a writer, I am constantly approached by people asking one question, “How can I successfully market myself?” From experience, I can tell you what looks to be an extremely difficult task can be achieved effortlessly and effectively in 5 simple, easy steps.
1.) Create an image:
The first step is to determine how you want to be seen by the public. This is a very important step, as it is how you will be foreseen and the way people will relate to you.
As for myself, I found it best to be open and honest. The more honest you are about yourself and who you are, the more people will be able to relate to you. Having people that can relate to you and your style will determine the amount of success you will achieve throughout your career.
2.) Be your own publicity team:
Whether you’re an upcoming writer, artist, actress or actor, more than likely you will be forced to pinch pennies. The high cost of a professional marketing team can and will be your first hurdle when you’re on a tight, strict budget. No one has thousands of dollars to hand out to pay for a full time publicist so the best and most powerful suggestion one can make is to serve as your own publicist. Who can better market you, than yourself?
3.) Take advantage of free offers:
Take full advantage of free offers and ways to promote yourself. Whether it is through your local public library, an online networking site, online or print newspapers or free press release websites. An easy and effective way to successfully market you is to submit articles to online and print newspapers, as well as free press release websites. Most small town newspapers have a lot of free space, and are more than happy to write a feature story on talented, new and upcoming people. I have also found the most popular free press release website is One can submit multiple press releases by simply registering.
4.) Create a website:
For little to no money you can create a personal website showcasing you and your talents. This website will allow you to effectively promote and market yourself. A personal website is a valuable asset and an excellent way to gain national exposure. Consider having more than one networking site. Popular choices are Facebook, Bebo, MySpace and Linked In.
5.) Networking:
This is a very important step to achieve successful results. Whether you choose Facebook, MySpace, Bebo, Linked In or a personal website, now it is time to start networking. By reaching out to others you can allow them to share personal information and your talents, as you gain nation-wide exposure. Once you begin networking, you will begin to notice an increase of followers and exposure. In most cases this tends to happen rather quickly.
Breana Orland is a writer for Education Grants. Breana also gives advice on the pursuit of higher education and career options for young adults.
Connecting and Delivering
October 5, 2011 by Dr. Letitia Wright
Filed under A Note for You, Featured Articles, Front Page
A lot of people wonder why I have a business event at a tea house.
It’s about the experience not just the location. Many people ( men and women alike) have never had the pleasure of eating at a tea house. I love watching them look at all the details that were prepared for them. Their first bite of a fresh scone. That alone is a great experience.
I also enjoy slow networking. A chance to find out what you are up to now. Everyone has made changes to their business. I like hearing what people are doing and being up to date. That way I can give good referrals. There is nothing worse than referring someone only to hear them say ” I no longer do that.” You can listen and be heard.
The tea house serves both decaf and regular. I drink decaf for my health.
The brunch serves two fold. A new experience for many and a chance to move your business forward. I will also be showing the first episode of this season’s Wright Place TV Show now airing on Direct TV channel 64 at 9:30 am.
Still on the fence? When is the last time you had a fresh scone?
If it’s more then 3 months ago, then register here:
Working a Mixer for More Business
October 5, 2009 by Dr. Letitia Wright
Filed under Featured Articles, Wright Ideas
This article is for people who want to be more comfortable at mixers and meeting people to create more business for them.
I recently went to a cocktail party celebrating the release of the new issue of Iona Magazine.
I write the health column for that magazine and went to represent the magazine and frankly to get out of the house. I realized I had not done any networking events in about 3 months. There were many reasons why I had not been in networking events and now I was ready to get back out there. Every business should do at least one networking event a month. You have to meet new people and be seen by the people who already know you. Many people are jaded and feel like networking events are not profitable. They are not profitable if you just go in and pass out your cards and gather cards. I only took 3 cards home. I made 5 appointments to call and talk with people I already knew about upcoming events and projects.
Here are a few rules to making a networking event become financially profitable for you.
1. Pick and event which will have potential clients and vendors in attendance. Most people at this event were fans of Iona Magazine, so this was a chance to meet the writers and staff at the magazine. I introduced myself FIRST as the Health Writer and secondly as the Wright Place TV Show.
2. Have a quick summary of what you have been up to ready. When you see people you already know, quickly update them on your current status. Make it sound exciting!
3. Quickly turn the conversation to them. People love to talk about themselves. Do not ignore husbands and wives who may be tagging along. Give them a chance to tell their story. Give them a real focus of your attention. Do not look over their shoulder for someone better to talk to. Really focus on them even if they do not seem like a good prospect, remember you never know who THEY know.
4. Ask for the card first. Do not just hand them your card unless you have a good reason. Why waste cards on someone who really doesn?t want it or will not sue it.
5. Keep the alcohol to a minimum. I met one lady, who was very nice however clearly had too much wine that night. Know you limit and frankly no alcohol is best.
6. It never hurts to be nice. Some people seem to save their nice for someone special. Everyone else can eat dirt. Try to make everyone feel important. You can only create more good for you.
7. Look at the cards you got and imagine some type of profitable deal. I googled the people on business cards and got great ideas on how we could work together. If you do not get ideas, just call back and leave a message saying great to meet you. Do not automatically put people on your email list because you have a card. Ask verbal or written permission first. If you follow up with a note, you will really stand out because not many people write anymore.
8. Attend with a great attitude. This is your best accessory. Do not make anyone else a victim of your back day.
9. Arrive early. You can get a seat and some food and you will not have missed out on the vibe in the room. You will also get to see who is coming in and who you want to meet.
10. Always bring a camera. An actor was there because he was on the cover of the magazine. I got some great pictures with him. Also a famous author was there. And then I just took pictures with old friends.
11. Bonus tip: Bring your business cards always. One person was promoting something but had forgotten her own business cards. There might be some business she missed!