On Fleek Event

Dr. Wright AD-13#SmallBizOnFleek_HB

Some friends on Facebook said, I thought we were done with FLEEK–

I said I am not done yet! I will be sharing about the Big Screen Blueprint which is how to get your story or book on the big screen. I will also be introducing the new TV Channel I am developing which will feature experts. This is a great time to learn how to get your show on television, even if you have a BLAB or PERISCOPE Show! It’s going to be a great time! You will be surprised to know how TV has changed and how you can be a part of it. Being on screen makes super stars. Let me show you how, Sign up and watch on line!! Click the poster and go register now.



Princess J and Kay Premier

The red carpet event was fun. This is a new show from Thomas Santiago Wright and Ben Daka. They did some great work with an all kid cast! Read more