New Diamonds
July 25, 2009 by Dr. Letitia Wright
Filed under A Note for You

Dave Saunders

Kimberly Kelly
As we move into this 10 year anniversary season of the Wright Place TV Show, I am putting into place some new things. 2 people who I have found to have great information and be fantastic people are Dave Saunders and Kimberly Kelly. I like to work with people I like and respect. And it really doesn?t matter if you make $10 million dollars when you treat people poorly and have no integrity. It?s great to make the money; however, you got some karma coming back that is going to kick your behind big time. You can only hope the money can pay to bail you out.
I digress. Dave Saunders and Kimberly Kelly will be contributing to the Wright Place in this upcoming year. Kelly will have some great articles on the site, so check them out. And Dave Saunders will be featured as our Branding expert on upcoming shows. Both of them have some great products and eBooks, so you need to check out their website and what they have to offer. Both also are wells of information that are barely being tapped right now.
Many of you are missing out by not engaging them. I hope my viewers take advantage of the resources these folks have to offer. They also both genuinely want to help my viewers. They know how to make money, however, they do care about people, like I care about people and that says a lot!
So check them out on the site and take advantage of what?s coming up!
PS, yes that is a sword in Dave’s hand , its a long story but he’s safe! and