Goal Setting vs. Goal Achievement
December 19, 2018 by Dr. Letitia Wright
Filed under Featured Articles, Front Page
Goal Setting vs. Goal Achievement
This is the time of year when most people are looking forward to the new year and setting new goals. Some people vaguely remember the last year and look at the current state of their life. They know they have not achieved what they wanted to achieve. Their lives do not reflect any of the goals they wanted. I had lunch with a friend recently. As we sat down in the outside area of the cafe, she seemed to be a little under the weather. I asked if she wanted to sit inside. It was grey and threatening rain. I know, it sounds like I am about to say ” It was a dark and stormy night..”
I was a little cold and having just gotten over the flue and only able to talk above a whisper, I was not interested in getting sick again. But my friend insisted that the outside table was fine with her. I shrugged my shoulders and made a silent vow to order some hot decaf coffee! When I asked about her how things were going, she said things were not going well. She had not reached her planned goals, and now it’s a new year. She said felt like she was on some treadmill where she works and works and does not get anywhere. I told her I understood. I have been there. Back when I just focused on setting goals and then stared at the everyday.
Now, I work backward. I set the goal and then write the plan on how these goals are going to get done and then write the plan backward on a calendar as to when each thing gets done. That’s how I get a lot done.
It’s that easy. Also, I don’t have a goal list above five items. Most people have too many things on their list, and they can’t focus. They are so busy trying to go big or go home, all they do is go home empty-handed. You don’t need another goal-setting workshop; you need to learn goal achievement. You don’t need an accountability partner; you need a plan to follow and then follow it or not. Here is the thing: When you don’t follow the plan, it’s an easy test to find out that you really do not want that goal.
Maybe it is a goal your coach or family says you should be going after, but you do not feel the same way. Perhaps it’s a goal you do not want to pursue at this time. Everything does not have to happen right this second. Maybe you have changed your mind about something. You are allowed to change your mind. Either way, taking hours out of your schedule to talk about why you are NOT doing things, is losing hours when you could be getting things done. All the excuses you give come down to this. The bottom line is, if you consistently do not work on the goal, it’s not a goal you really want, and you should feel free to dump it and replace it with something you really do want. Of feel free to dump that goal and now you have more time and energy to work on the others. Don’t mistake being busy for being productive. If your business is stuck and you need practical business knowledge on how to expand or bring in critical funding, Then Let’s talk! I help Powerful Passionate Female Founders Get Funded http://www.MeetwithDrWright.com
Tim Ferris’s Pre Goal Setting Excercise
February 17, 2018 by Dr. Letitia Wright
Filed under Featured Articles, Front Page, Wright Ideas
This is a very different method!
If you did this,let me know with a comment.
Goal Setting 2012- Part 1
November 28, 2011 by Dr. Letitia Wright
Filed under Featured Articles, Front Page, Wright Ideas
This series about goal setting.
We can set goals on reach – currently I reach 6.5 million homes on Direct TV, in 2012 I want to reach an additional 1.5 million homes. This will happen when I am featured on WGBS TV 7 in Virginia Beach, VA
We cans goals on income for the year; Then break it down to quarter and months.
We can make goals in impact or focus.
Health goals, personal goals, you can make a goal towards anything you want.
Just make at least. Push yourself! h