PR and Crowdfunding and a New Chinese Language site
January 9, 2017 by Dr. Letitia Wright
Filed under Crowd Funding, Front Page
TECH CO has a great article about PR and Crowdfunding
Groups of People to Tap
Think of the groups of people within your own web of friends, family, and acquaintances. Research says that about 30% of your funding will come from here. These are people who can help you reach out to others they know, expanding your potential for funds. Family and friends will donate if they can, but they can also help you spread the word through all of their social media channels and email lists too. Once you have tapped that resource as best you can, look for other groups to connect with:
read the rest here
Reg CF Crowdfunding Platform Mr. Crowd Launches Chinese Language Version – Crowdfund Insider
Mr. Crowd is a FINRA approved Reg CF crowdfunding portal. Created by founder Allen Au, Mr. Crowd is a part of the US incorporated Ksdaq corporation. While incorporated in the US, Ksdaq’s primary place of business is Hong Kong making it a bit unique. Read the rest of the article here:
Need some help? Start Here with Crowdfunding Made Simple
Playing Personalogy Live
December 16, 2016 by Dr. Letitia Wright
Filed under Featured Articles, Front Page
We played Personalogy!
This is a great game for the family
and there is a children’s version!
The Life Leverage Television Show
October 15, 2014 by Dr. Letitia Wright
Filed under Featured Articles, Front Page, Wright Ideas
There is a new movement towards Transformational Television. We are looking for stories that move people, change people and transform people. If you have a story that transformed you, then you know the event was to help you help others. We are creating a web series and TV Series. The Television series will be taped here in Los Angeles, the web series can have people from all over. This comes from the Executive Producers Che Brown and Trevor Otts
Coaches, Trainers and Leaders are invited to apply by TEXTING 240 428 6333
Apply now.
The Web Series Broadcasts in December 2014.