Branding with a Mobile Bar Service
October 17, 2013 by Dr. Letitia Wright
Filed under A Note for You, Front Page
Branding with a Mobile Bar Service
Business owners around the nation have known for decades that a legitimate way to advertise their brand or market their product is by throwing a large event for potential clients and consumers to enjoy. Recently, these same business owners and large organizations have turned to mobile bar services to help things run smoother at the events that they put on, so that they are able to focus on the larger picture rather than worrying about the small, aggravating details.
Companies choose to utilize mobile bar services because, in most cases, the bar service company makes special efforts to oversee all things related to the spirits and set up of the mobile bar. This includes stock control, the delivery of the alcohol, quality control and even providing the glassware that will be used during the service. This takes a considerable amount of stress off of the company that is holding an event that has undoubtedly spent a significant amount of money to make sure that everything is up to par.
When a businesses’ reputation is on the line, and they are trying to impress prospective clients that could affect their bottom line, the last thing that the company owners need to worry about is if they have enough alcohol to provide to their guests.
A good mobile bar service company will go to extra lengths to make sure that all marketing materials can be seen by each and every guest that attends the event, and will also create customized drink menus and custom cocktails to fit the mood of the party or event that is taking place.
In the end, choosing to hire a company to set up a custom bar can pay big dividends, both for brand recognition, future income and for ease of convenience.
Event Management Companies Use Internet Marketing
February 19, 2013 by Dr. Letitia Wright
Filed under A Note for You, Featured Articles, Front Page
By Coreypal
Fact or fiction, an event management company has many plate’s full of options to consider when pondering how to choose proactive marketing companies to manage their SEO and traffic generation. Shysters run the mean streets of the many internet marketing websites in existence, and although it’s an unfortunate occurrence for the honest man to run into these scams, the list of ultimately beneficial internet marketing companies can drastically be reduced through some skillful searching, phone calling, and BBB findings.
Let’s face the reason head on why you are reading this: you are a serious business-minded money making event planning guru that wants to check the newest trends and gauge your current company with others so as to raise the bar on your event management services. Or, perhaps you really do want to learn how to choose an internet marketing company; if this is you, sip the coffee and scroll down.
What Event Management Companies Could Expect
The primary purpose of an internet marketing company is strikingly similar to the modus operandi of a SEO company: to place your company on the map, albeit locally or nationally, and bring the promise of more customers your way for either a ‘per diem’ fee or some monthly membership fee. The only way it is ever suggested to drop a single dime on an internet marketing company is if they are reachable by phone, reputable to the point their references are easily verified, and they have zero complaints through D&B or the BBB.
Do not go with a company that simply charges you to ‘babysit’ you SEO accounts, no matter how many you have. Calling Google AdWords will render not only the creation of a solid campaign, but also the creation of a budget that will not move so long as you don’t touch it. Same goes with Bing, except you need to stay away from the click-happy content network which renders an obscene CTR yet yields few sales for you.
Perform Due Diligence
Also, it is imperative that you check the level of education in the company in question – anyone can call themselves a professional, yet very few have the gait of an expert internet marketing company professional. Having a brief conversation on the phone will let you know the candor and knowledge of the voice behind the sales pitch.
Finally, you should go with a company that doesn’t use tools online that are free for everyone. Charging your credit card for something that you could have found yourself is pretty much financial suicide; all of the techniques and tricks of the trade need to be in-house, professionally designed, and have some level of tracking technology for you to view at all times.