A new email solution to get rid of spam for good

November 19, 2013 by  
Filed under A Note for You, Front Page

A new email solution to get rid of spam for good ? It’s Free and 100% effective!


spam (Photo credit: Vince_Lamb)

Let me paint a familiar picture for you that I am sure you have seen almost every morning. You start your day bright and early and log on to your computer. Probably the first thing you are going to do is check your email. You go through each email, responding where necessary, but you have to skip over some and throw some others in the trash. Why, because your email inbox is full of spam alongside your wanted email. Put simply your email spam protection has failed at its prime duty, to protect your inbox from spam.

So, this is what has happened every day for the last 5 years. It was not until I stumbled across wumber that this routine changed, for the best!

What is wumber?

wumber is a way of totally getting rid of spam! It will encode the recipient and sender of an email into a unique email address encoding it so the email address can only be used by the recipient. It doesn’t even matter if they give the email address to someone else because it won’t work for them. Simple!

How does this help you?

It helps you in a number of ways! Your real email address is protected and the specially encoded wumber which is created seamlessly from your desktop email application or iPhone can have different rules applied. This means that you will always have complete control of the rules that you give this new unique email.

Imagine you go to sign up or order something from an online retail. Weeks later you start getting annoying emails from them to the point where you consider it spam. One of the best things about a wumber is that you can change the rules without the person that has your email address knowing about it. You all of a sudden change the rules and BAM, no more annoying spam emails from that company. If they are just sending too many emails, simply put a limit on the number of emails you are prepared to accept each day, week, month or whatever period you choose.

Remember, wumber also has a unique feature that makes your email address completely useless if they give it to someone else. This makes list selling completely fruitless for these companies and you are spam free!

wumber is free to join and it’s free for everyone to use. I would highly suggest you go give it a try. You can read more or join at https://www.wumber.com or you can check out all the stories of wumber users together with tips and hints for protecting your privacy and cutting out the spam at their Facebook page or take a look at the blog.

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