SCE is looking for Caterers!
June 8, 2011 by Dr. Letitia Wright
Filed under Featured Articles, Front Page, Wright Ideas
SCE is seeking qualified and certified* caterers/food service providers for review and consideration as bidders for a catering service contract.
Certified* – means businesses women/minority-owned businesses certified by one of these certifying agencies: The Supplier Clearinghouse, SBA 8(a) Certification, WBENC, SCMBDC/NMSDC
or SDVBEs certified by the California Procurement Division of Dept. of General Services.
If your company has catering service capabilities and experience and holds a current DBE certification issued by one of the above listed agencies, please respond to me (by 6/10) with the following information for SCE’S review and initial screening/evaluation:
Company Name:
Contact Name:
Office Number:
Cell Number:
Fax Number:
E-mail Addredss:
Web Site:
Company Profile Document
Thank you.
Grace T. Whitcomb
Diversity Manager
Supplier Diversity & Development Division
Operations Support Business Unit
Southern California Edison
2244 Walnut Grove Avenue (QUAD 3D, 376G, GO1)
Rosemead, CA 91770
Tel: 626-302-5325, Fax 626-302-4410
Pax 25325, Fax 24410