Easy Accounting Software
November 4, 2013 by Dr. Letitia Wright
Filed under A Note for You, Front Page
By Ben West
Starting up your own business can be hard enough these days. Not only for the obvious reasons, but there are hidden costs and things that have to be done that you don’t realise at first. But more specifically, I am talking about accounts and bookkeeping.
The topic of accounts and bookkeeping is a tough one. Because not only is it unnecessarily complicated subject, it is also necessary to keep well made accounts. Now doing your bookkeeping by hand is a very dull and tiresome process, and is also incredibly slow. These days it is much smarter to do it all on computers, but then it gets complicated! Not only complicated, but also very costly. Some companys charge over $700 just to let you keep accounts, and then they make it overly complicated! Why would anyone want to pay that much money just to do something they don’t want to do, and to do it in a ridiculously confusing way?
That is why today I am here to talk about EasyAs Accounting Software. EasyAs are a software design company that focus on building software that takes the complicated egde off of things. Now as a business they know all about the hassles of accounting software, so they set about creating their own. And thus, EasyAs Accounting Software was born.
Their software is arguably the easiest out there to use. Although it has advanced features, they try to keep it as simple as they possibly can just to make your life easier. But do you want to know the real icing on the cake? The price! They know that starting a business can be costly, and rather than put a massive price tag on their software, and as a result, making your accounting troubles become accounting nightmares, they have set out to be the best priced accounting software on the market.
But don’t take my word for it. They also offer a free 30 day trial so you can see for yourself! So if their software sounds right for you then head on over to EasyAs Accounting Software and take a look!
5 Big Problems You’ll Face When Trying To Make Money Blogging
September 14, 2013 by Dr. Letitia Wright
Filed under Featured Articles, Front Page
by Priya N
Building a successful online business with blogging is not that easy. There will be a lot of problems that you will face along the way. People who are successful with their blogging business are the ones who successfully managed to tackle those problems and finally establish their blogging business.
Here are 5 big problems you’ll face when trying to make money blogging:
Being Sluggish In Producing New Content
Blogging is the best online jobs & everybody knows that in blogging, it’s important to produce new content daily. So you have to give top priority to content production for your blog if you’re really serious about making money blogging. Each post that you publish everyday will help your blog attract more traffic. Unfortunately, many people don’t give high priority in content production for their blog.
Difficulty In Gaining Recognition In Your Niche
Blogging is about building community around your niche. So you have to be able to gain recognition in your niche with this online job. If your blog isn’t recognized within your niche, then you will have very little chance to make money from it. You need to build good relationship with other blogs within your niche, especially those popular blogs that have similar content to your blog. If you actively build good relationship with them, you’ll be able to gain recognition in your niche.
Finding Suitable Monetization Option
You have to use different monetization strategies for different blogs. The problem is that finding such ideal monetization method will require many trials and errors. And you have to actively test different monetization method for your blog until you’ve found the one that can bring maximum income for you. However, many bloggers only rely on one monetization method without giving some thoughts to try another. If you believe that your blog is not earning optimally, then it’s the time for you to explore other monetization options available.
Difficulty In Persuading Your Readers To Follow Your Recommendation
If you’re promoting affiliate products on your blog, you have to make sure that you’re able to persuade your readers to follow your recommendation.
The key here is persuasion.
Your success in this online job will be determined by how effective your persuasion is. Most of your blog readers are coming to your blog to learn from you. In other words, they’re seeking for information. Therefore, in order to change their mindset of learning into the mindset of buying, you need to be able to apply your persuasion strategically in your blog.
Lack Of Traffic
Lastly, and most importantly, you have to overcome the problem of lack of traffic. If you’re unable to attract traffic into your blog, then all your efforts in blogging will be in vain. Therefore, you’ve to give special emphasize on attracting traffic to your blog. The best way is to hire some professionals to do the traffic building tasks, such as SEO, link-building, guest posting etc.
Does Your Business Have Swag?
September 23, 2010 by Dr. Letitia Wright
Filed under Featured Articles, Front Page, Wright Ideas
- Cover of I Will Teach You To Be Rich
For me – in Entertainment- Swag means Souvenirs Wearables and Gifts.
It’s chotskies, you know free stuff. When it’s from a TV Show, radio show or movie, we call it SWAG. Or if it’s a bag full of stuff, it’s a SWAG BAG.
SWAG also is short for SWAGGER. SWAGGER is How one presents him or her self to the world. Swagger is shown from how the person handles a situation. It can also be shown in the person’s walk.
Swagger is to conduct your self in a way that would automatically earn respect.
My favorite blogs with Swagger are
Ramit- I will Teach You to Be Rich
Seth Godin- Seth Godin’s blog
The Bloggess-
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