Back in the Studio for Season 21!
October 22, 2021 by Dr. Letitia Wright
Filed under Featured Articles, Front Page
I guess the show is grown now. Mature enough to handle some really tough topics and do what it wants to do. It certainly can pay it’s own bills and I am happy for that! It even has it’s own place now! That’s right, 3 places! Amazon Fire TV, Apple TV and Roku! You can download the apps into your smart TV and watch it anywhere you can get internet. It’s not on social media, it’s on MY TV Channel – The Wright Place TV Channel
It feels like years since I have been in the studio, but it seems to be flowing back to me easily and check lists are a big help. All guests will be virtual, as we face an unsure future with the DELTA virus, I would rather be safe.
There are a few changes to the show and I look forward to them. The full shows will no longer be on YOUTUBE. There maybe some clips but that’s all. I hope you will download the Wright Place TV Channel app and go on this new journey with us!

Today’s Guests:

Musical Guest

Lean Corporations: Simplify, Standardize, Automate
February 11, 2014 by Dr. Letitia Wright
Filed under A Note for You, Front Page
Lean Corporations: Simplify, Standardize, Automate
The idea of “Lean Corporations” is far from being new. Every star-up, tech companies or industry giants know the value of a Lean training . It has been mostly referred to as the principles of effective manufacturing or automotive giant Toyota and throughout history, the teachings of this methodology enabled businesses to deliver cheaper products without compromising their quality.
Looking at existing examples, there have been quite a few companies that struggled to survive and managed to keep up with the rest not by laying off some of their staff but by improving efficiency. The Lean teachings were able to bring business closer to a more sustainable model that generates less and less waste and thus increases the profit margins. For many, investments made to train their staff pay off quickly. What seems as a great expense in the beginning actually brings more profits on a long term but not only the companies benefit from this scenario.
Looking at the issue from an employee’s perspective, obtaining a Lean certification that is paid by the organization is something that is worth mentioning on a C.V. In fact, many recruiting companies go an extra mile just to get their hands on a candidate that as such a certification. Obtaining it is a testimony itself that the individual was capable of implementing a project that reduced the costs in an organization. This is something that everyone is looking for and it can open the doors to better jobs and an ascending career.
In the end, the Lean system got the world to the point where it is today where abundance, affordability and high quality products dominate the markets. Not managing to comply to such demands from customers will lead to sale losses, liquidities frozen in assets and investments and even bankruptcy. It has come to a point in which Lean training is not optional, especially for the management teams.
Information On Customer Service Support
July 30, 2013 by Dr. Letitia Wright
Filed under A Note for You, Featured Articles, Front Page
Information On Customer Service Support
By CorryPal
There are some scenarios where people may need to be guided in doing certain procedures. It is very frustrating for a client or a customer to enter a new organization and does not find somebody to direct him or her on what they are required to do. It is for this reason that many companies have introduced customer service support services to their institution.
The people who work on the customer service support desks have training. There are many things that one must learn to become a good customer attendant. One must know different languages and be fluent in them because you never know the type of customers you might meet. To be a good customer attendant you must be well educated and acquired the right skills.
Depending on which organization you are providing customer service support, you must have knowledge of the products that are sold there. Sometimes customer service involves marketing of goods of a company. The importance of the service varies from one product or service to another. You must also know that customer services are not only in companies that are involved in selling goods but also the institutions that provide services to people. A medical institution is a good example that uses such customer service support.
Customer service helps in generation of income for many companies. There will be no customer attendant who will talk ill about his or her company. Most of them will talk good things about the company which will also help to improve the good image of the company thus attracting more clients.
Technology has helped to improve the services. The introduction of automated customer services helps to reduce the number of employees especially those on the support desk. A good example of automated means include the sites that are found on the Internet. The automated means has another advantage. This is because one can use the service at any time of the day.
Another good example of automated services is the procedures that one is asked to follow on the phone when trying to get help about something. But the automated services have encountered some challenges. Some challenges are like some people cannot understand the languages used by the machines.
Other people on the other hand cannot follow the simple procedures. You cannot ask the machines any questions and thus it becomes limited to the learned people only. However both types of customer care services have been beneficial to many companies.
Take a look at for more information.