3 Rules for Giving to Non Profits
November 26, 2016 by Dr. Letitia Wright
Filed under Featured Articles, Front Page
I am posting this on behalf of the Non-Profits everywhere and especially the ones I support. They can not say this without people being offended. I will say it for them.
Rule 1- GIVE NEW
Give NEW UNOPENED ITEMS. People who need clothes have dignity too. No one wants your jordache jeans or your slightly worn clothes that you found when you cleaned your closet. New toys, still wrapped, not used toys. It’s healthier and cleaner for the person receiving it. Buying used items is a choice the shopper makes, when people are in need, this is not the best thing for the charity or a person. It is not the same thing as you choosing to shop at a resale store. In some cases, the non-profit is prohibited by law from taking used items. Also, please don’t bring ( or ask to bring) LEFT OVER FOOD. The best bet is to give the Non-Profit Cash so they can get what is needed, not just what YOU want to give.
Do not ask to see the people who are the recipients of your charity. Dropping off your donation should not become a petting zoo or a coffee date. Refrain from saying AWWW look at the ( FILL IN THE BLANK). If you want people in need to fall to their knees and thank you, you are in it for the wrong reason. If you are concerned that the charity will not give the items to the needy, you need to find another charity to support.
Do not donate old books for “education” purposes. Everyone who is in school needs an up to date book. Your math book from 1988 is just junk that the Non-profit has to PAY a staff member to throw away. And Yes, that goes for Libraries too. You need to check with them to see if they will accept it, not drop off a box of junk they now have to pay money to get rid of it.
Bonus Rule: No means NO
When they say they can not accept your “donation” (translate as junk) be gracious and get off the phone. Have a 15-minute conversation about why they should take your items when they already told you they could not accept it, is a waste of time and emotionally exhausting.
Who do I support? Bob Lucas Library and Literacy Center (Altadena, CA, USA), Celebrate Life Cancer Ministry ( Los Angeles, CA), Los Angeles Youth Network (Los Angeles, CA)
Crowdfunding for The Pantry
March 3, 2016 by Dr. Letitia Wright
Filed under Crowd Funding, Featured Articles, Front Page
Crowdfunding for The Pantry
The Pantry was founded in 1983 by the Rev. John Spruham, Vicar of St. Cyprian’s Episcopal Church. Formerly located at 6501 Belmont, the church closed in 2000, forcing the pantry to relocate to the present site in February 2002. The people of United in Faith have been enthusiastic about this ministry and welcoming and responsive to ecumenical nature of the Church. Founded by an Episcopal congregation, housed in a Lutheran Church, directed by a UCC Pastor, coordinated by an Episcopalian, supported by numerous local Catholic parishes and St. Vincent DePaul Society’s, and dependent upon the outpouring of gifts of food and money from endless church groups, schools and organizations who donate food and dollars as well as volunteer hours.
The area they serve is Chicago. Specifically Chicago zip codes: 60634, 60707 in Chicago (east of Harlem Ave), and 60639. Residents of these areas needing emergency food are eligible to receive food from the pantry once a month. Generally the food they receive is sufficient to last about three days. Your support for this project means a lot.
In addition to providing for the nutritional needs of our customers on a monthly basis, we also:
Provide food for the preparation of Christmas and Thanksgiving dinner
Provide Christmas gifts for children who would not otherwise receive them
Provide Easter baskets for children
Provide warm winter coats
You can support them here http://www.stcypriansfoodpantry.org/p/donate-money-in-chicago-illinois-donate.html
Why The Wright Place Works with BlogDash ( and why you should too)
December 16, 2014 by Dr. Letitia Wright
Filed under Featured Articles
BlogDash Review
Working with BlogDash is a great way for bloggers to expand their content while increasing their income. The site is easy to work with. You simply log in and see the offers made to you. Bloggers can pick and choose from the assignments offered. Then post on their website. The website is easy to use and understand. Bloggers will have a list of requirements they must meet. The requirements are clearly spelled out, and there is no confusion about what is expected. There is complete clarity on what is going to be earned.
There is a wide selection of topics that are also offered. If your blog covers life-style, business, fashion or food.- you’ll find opportunities there. I like working with BlogDash because working with them is simple and easy. In today; s world, we all need a simple and easy way to create more income and content.
Blogger outreach is made easy for companies who work with BlogDash. Companies get matched with get matched to bloggers who are interested in talking about and promoting what you do.
Find out more, Be Seen in 2015! Http://www.blogdash.com